Proof That You are Human Chapter 3

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Arthit spent most of the day tired and unadmittedly worried. After he had dropped Kongpob off at class, he had roused a couple of his friends from sleep, only to be too restless to study. They had been shocked to say the least that he was the one who woke them, and not the customary other way around.

He had restlessly kept checking his phone for a message all morning, hoping that Kongpob would try to contact him, even if it was during class. At lunch time for him, he scouted around for Kongpob's friends, and only found M and Oak in an argument about some game that they both played. Arthit played games too, but not the one that they were arguing over and right now, that was the least of his concerns. He had asked them about Kongpob and found that neither one had spoken to him yet that morning because he was scheduled for practicals.

Frustrated, Arthit stormed back to his friends, and glowered at the table.

"What's the matter with you? You have been in a bad mood all day." Getting no response, Knot kicked Arthit. "Hey! I am talking to you!"

"What?!" Arthit kicked back, but Knot expected the retaliation and had moved away so Arthit missed.

"I said, what is the matter with you? Why the long face?"

"Nothing." Arthit crossed his arms on the table and sulked, glaring at his phone.

"Nothing, my ass. You were up before all of us, and you have been on edge all day. Spit it out." Prem took the initiative to gang up on Arthit. After all, he had been on the receiving end of his door nearly pounded off its hinges, only to find an irate Arthit who proceeded to give him a tongue lashing for oversleeping. Hypocrite.

"There's only two things that get his panties in a wad like that. The pink milk stall being closed, and something to do with 0062." Bright chimed in loudly, leaning over Arthit putting his face near. "He had pink milk this morning, so it's probably the other! What happened? Missing the lover boy?"

"Shut up!" Arthit pushed Bright's face out of his, while trying not to turn scarlet. He absolutely hated it when his friends teased him. He and Kongpob have been together for six months, and as nervous as he was with public displays of affection, he was head over heels for his boyfriend. Trouble was, his friends knew that.

Bright dodged Arthit's hands while the others were raucously laughing at the two of them. "Then, what?" He mock gasped with wide eyes. "You didn't break up, did you?"

"What? No! He's just sick!" Arthit shoved Bright away from him.

"Then what the hell are you doing here? Go on, go see loverboy. Nurse him back to health so you can stop being so cranky," Knot threw a napkin at him.

Best friend or not, Arthit aimed and managed to connect his kick against Knot's shin. "Idiot. He's in practicals."

The laughter and the teasing quieted down. They all were well aware of the horror of practicals through experience. They all knew that not even being dead was an excuse to miss them either. "How sick was he? You saw him yesterday, right?"

Arthit just sighed and slouched forward, "Bad enough he went to sleep after he called during our study group last night and he didn't answer the door when I tried checking on him last night."

Bright looked scandalized. "You don't have a key to his room yet, Arthit?! Oooh, you guys must play in your room! That explains it! I bet he has a key to your room!"

"Shut up, Bright! Not the place, and never the time!" Arthit punched Bright in the shoulder, turning scarlet again. They began bickering again.

Prem looked at Knot. If he was as sick as Arthit's worry behavior indicated, no wonder their best friend was on edge. "Hey, Arthit, you didn't by chance see him this morning?"

"I saw him before he went to class, and he looked awful. He was going to go to the clinic when he got out of practicals, and send me a message."Arthit shoved Bright away from him, after cuffing him around the head.

"So that's why you were up so early! Doesn't he go to first class?" Prem smirked slightly at him. "You must have been worried about him if you were willing to give up your beauty sleep."

Arthit grumbled not really wanting to admit it. After not being able to get Kongpob to open the door, he had returned to his room. He had stretched across the foot of the bed after his shower facing the window so he could see if the light ever turned on in Kogpob's room. While checking his social media and playing a mobile game, he fell asleep. He had shifted trying to get comfortable when his mind had startled him awake in realization, only to balk and hit the floor, the phone falling off the bed with him, hitting him in the face. He had cussed a blue streak, before realizing that he never got a response from Kongpob, and decided to hunt him down before class to check on him.

"Well, until he gets out of practicals, there is nothing you can do, so chill a little. Come on guys, we have a class to get to." Knot got up and gathered his things, followed by the rest of them. He draped an arm over Arthit's shoulder and squeezed in consolation. He knew that Arthit really cared for Kongpob, even if he didn't publicly show just how much.

They had gone to class, and Arthit had kept his phone out religiously checking it in between doodling Kongpob's name on his notes and sending messages that remained unread as the time neared for Kongpob to have gotten out of practicals and make it to the clinic. He glanced out the window as he heard thunder rumble the building, and he bit his lip in fresh worry. Hopefully, Kong had made it to the clinic before that downpour started. When class ended and he still had not heard from his boyfriend, Arthit's worry spiked. He had sent his last message a little angrily, only to finally, finally, get a response.

"Sidetracked? How the hell can you get sidetracked as sick as you are?! Especially in the rain!" He didn't even realize he was talking out loud to his phone furiously. When the last message came in, Kongpob's imagination wasn't far off the mark about Arthit's expression; however, Kongpob had failed to factor in his boyfriend's famous temper.

Arthit jumped when Knot put his hand on his shoulder, and clutched the phone to his chest so he couldn't read that last embarrassing message. "Ai, Knot, asshole! Don't do that!"

"What did he say?" Immune to most of Arthit's temper, Knot had sent the rest of their rambunctious group ahead so he could get Arthit to answer without feeling so much pressure.

"He's going to the dorm. He said he would tell me later why he was so late in answering," Arthit was nervously quivering under Knot's fingers.

"Then go. You can message me later and let me know how he is doing if you are not too busy nursing him back to health." Knot shoved Arthit gently. "Go on. You won't be happy until you have seen him and know for sure anyway. Besides, no one can deal with your temper anymore. See you Monday."

Arthit didn't realize how grateful he looked as he headed away from Knot and toward Kongpob's dorm, sending a message as he went. "Just finished class. On my way."

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