Proof That You are Human Chapter 5

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Several hours later, Kongpob blinked his eyes open to complete darkness. An occasional flash of lightning flickered beyond the window, and he could hear the gentle pattering of rain against the balcony ledge. He found himself drenched in sweat, but he felt a lot cooler and a lot less painful, so his fever must have broken. His head had quit hurting so badly which also helped alleviate the misery. He stretched his stiff muscles and started to sit up, only to become aware of an arm draped over the blanket and the body shadowed beside him.

Kongpob turned to find the beautiful face of Arthit sleeping close but not smothering. He thought he had actually dreamed that Arthit was here taking care of him because it was so out of character for him. Their platonic relationship had not progressed to physical --yet. They could boast that their relationship was not based on sex, but rather emotional intimacy. Although some days were a test of patience, letting the relationship develop without obdurate aggression made what progress they had that much more meaningful and accepted.

Feeling the scrutiny, Arthit squinted as he awoke. "Kong? What's the matter? What time is it?" He propped himself up on his elbow and reached out to touch Kongpob's forehead. "Your fever broke again. Thank goodness for that. For a while there, I thought you were going to spontaneously combust. Are you feeling any better?"

"Yes, some. It's apparently a little after 1 a.m." His words were not as raspy as before, and his throat only stung, not was sandblasted.

"You want to try eating something? I picked up some soup for you earlier. I can heat it up if you want it."

Kongpob nodded.

"Why don't you go get a shower now, and I will warm up your food and change the sheets. You were tossing and turning there for a while the last time your fever broke." Arthit stretched and got up, keeping an eye on Kongpob as he slowly got to his feet and headed toward the bathroom.

"Hey, don't forget some clothes and your towel."

Fifteen minutes later, Kong came out of the bathroom drying his hair. He felt much better, but he knew it was the false reprieve. He was far from healthy, but with a long three day weekend ahead because he did not have classes on Fridays, he had time to recuperate. Now if he could only keep his caring, uninhibited boyfriend around for the long haul, he would be content.

"Here. Drink this. I will finish drying your hair. And take your medicine." Arthit took the towel and rubbed Kongpob's hair until it was dry. The soup was hot and bland, so it soothed his sore throat as he sipped at it slowly.

"Knot said to tell you to get better soon. He went home for the weekend. Prem is doing an amateur photography shoot on Saturday to showcase his talents and Tutah and Bright are probably drunk dancing by now, if not passed out. I got a hold of M because I know he's your best friend and told him that you made it back to the dorm. He said he will call you tomorrow and that he would tell your other friends."

Kongpob turned in the chair to look up at Arthit, giving him a smile that could melt a fangirl's heart. "Thank you for taking care of me." He hooked his arms around Arthit's hips and pressed his face into the shirt covering his boyfriend's torso.

Arthit, taken by surprise, froze but relaxed into the embrace by putting a hand on Kongpob's head and gently ruffled his hair. "Hey, you are not better yet. Come on, you need to sleep the rest of that cold off. Back to bed with you." For one that was loathe to show affection in public, he was quite affectionate.

Reluctantly, Kongpob let go, disheartened, but resigned. "Alright." Even though he had been awake for only an hour, he could feel the tiredness creeping up on him as a side effect of the medicines. Arthit pulled the covers up again, reminiscent of when he barely remembered earlier. Kongpob was pleasantly surprised to feel the cover shifting as Arthit join him.

"You are staying?"

Arthit yawned. "I picked up my stuff from my room earlier when I went out. I will have to go out for food for us at some point, but other than that, yes."

Kongpob couldn't help it and figured he was probably pushing his luck but there was no harm in asking. "For the whole weekend?"

Arthit actually smiled slightly at the hopeful tone as he pulled the pillow into better position under his head. "You wanted to be babied, if I recall the message. All my friends are busy, so why not?" Secretly, he did not want to admit that he wanted to spend the time with his sweetheart just as much, if not more. For better or worse, in sickness and in health... "Besides, you are sick, so..." he trailed off in a yawn.

Kongpob couldn't stop his heart pulsing with joy. Remembering something he hoped was not a dream, he rolled on his side and faced Arthit. "Did you mean it?"

"Hmm?" Arthit's quiet response was on the verge of returning back to sleep. "Mean what?"

Kongpob had always been the more straightforward of the two. If he wanted an answer, the shortest distance between knowing and not knowing was to ask. "That we would talk about clothing removal after I was healthy? Or did I dream it?"

Arthit pulled the cover up over his shoulder. "Mmmhmm."

Kongpob's joy was slightly eclipsed at the ambiguous answer that could apply to either question, but he had become used to the non-answers he was wont to get from Arthit. He reached out and linked his hand with Arthit's and was surprised when his fingers were squeezed.

"Go back to sleep, Kong. We will discuss it after you are not germ infested." Arthit closed his eyes. "I promise."

Arthit may not have seen the smile that bloomed on his sweetheart's face, but he was aware of it just the same. Kongpob closed his eyes, his heart thumping in joyous anticipation, and sent a silent prayer for a fast recovery.

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