Proof That You are Human Chapter 4

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Kongpob trudged out of the elevator and down the hall to his room. He could barely function anymore. He was cold and wet, tired and worn out. He could feel the fever, and swore it was steaming his wet clothes, but he was freezing. His head was stuffy, his nose running, and his body hurt worse than before with that trek across campus. He fit the key into the lock and dropped his bag on the floor. It took more effort to take his shoes off, and it caused him to stumble and sit on the edge on the bed. He didn't care anymore. Flopping back, he covered his face with his hand. He had to get up again to change from his wet clothes but he would do it in a few minutes. He just wanted to rest... just... a... few... minutes....

The elevator opened with a ding, and Arthit froze as he saw Kongpob's door open, the keys dangling in the lock. He hurried over and peered in. "Kongpob?" All he heard was a quiet wheezing in response. Pulling the keys from the lock, he cautiously entered and shut the door behind him. His eyes adjusted to the dimmer lighting with the curtain mostly closed and the heavy clouds that flickered once in a while with lightning.

"Kong?" Arthit saw Kongpob carelessly tossed on the foot of the bed, legs still hanging off the side. Momentary irrational terror gripped him as he rushed over to his boyfriend. "Kong!" He knelt on the edge of the bed and pulled Kongpob's hand away from his face. He breathed a sigh of relief at seeing him just passed out, rather than in danger of dying, mentally cursing his overactive imagination.

A low groan of misery told him that Kongpob was in that half asleep state, only semiaware of his surroundings. "You idiot." Arthit sighed fondly, and shook his head in exasperation. He shook Kongpob. "Come on, wake up. You've got to get out of those clothes."

A cough punctuated the waking Kongpob. It took a moment, but he finally connected the voice to that of his beloved boyfriend. "Arthit?" His voice was raspy. "What-"

"I didn't say croak a blue streak! I said get up and get out of your clothes!"

The shock of the request made Kongpob open his eyes and look at Arthit. "Oh to hear that, when I am not sick..."

Arthit gave him a strange look before his own words caught up to his ears, flustering him scarlet. "Kongpob!"

He couldn't help it; Kongpob tried to laugh, but it ended in a strangled cough, curling him on his side clutching his chest until he was able to stop. Arthit worriedly forgot his embarrassment as he helped Kongpob sit up to the edge of the bed. It was almost as though a switch was flipped. Contrary to his public harshness, Arthit was actually rather gentle and kind.

"Flirt later, oh sick one. Get better first. Then we will talk." Arthit knelt on the floor in front of Kongpob. "Do you want to try taking a shower to break the fever?"

Kongpob just shook his head. It was going to be a chore changing clothes, he really didn't have the energy right now for a shower. There was no point if he was going to end up sweating it out anyway.

"Then I will just get you a t-shirt and pajama pants."

"Don't bother. Just help me under the covers." He was starting to shiver again and his throat felt raw.

"At least let me take off the tie so you don't strangle yourself." He reached out and fingered the knot gently until it was loose enough to slip it over Kongpob's head, then maneuvered him so he was able to get into the bed properly rather than thrown like a ragdoll. Arthit pulled the covers around him then sat on the edge of the bed. He ran his fingers through Kongpob's bangs, who gave him a tired smile as he nuzzled into the rare affectionate gesture.

"Did you get to take any more medicine?" Kongpob shook his head. Arthit sighed. "I will get you some, and then you get some rest." He shifted only to find his movements arrested by a firebrand hand gently gripping his pantleg. Kongpob didn't say anything, his nonverbal spoke volumes.

"I am only getting you some medicine. You have some?" Kongpob nodded. Arthit brought it back with a cup of warm water. "Here. Sit up a little if you can."

Kongpob struggled to sit up enough to take the medicine and then bonelessly fell back against the pillow. He closed his eyes, listening to Arthit as he moved around the room, putting up the cup, moving their school bags. He found those random ordinary noises comforting and drifted until he felt the bed dip before a cool cloth was placed on his forehead.

"You had me worried, you know?" Arthit quietly murmured. He trailed his fingers down Kongpob's face. It was so rare that his strong gentleman who had to worked so hard to win his affections was laid low. He must have worked himself into complete exhaustion to fall prey to the germs procreating and waging war with his immune system.

"I am not going anywhere. At most I may go to the food stalls later, but I will come back here. Go to sleep." Arthit's hidden gentler nature pervaded as he watched his sweetheart succumb to the medicines and exhaustion. Occasionally, he would take the cloth from his forehead and cool it. Without Kongpob realizing it, he had been granted one of his desires, Arthit's undivided caring attention for more than a fleeting moment.

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