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Ellie's POV:What the fuck did i just do?I glare at the wall for like 2 minutes in till i get a message

"Hey uh we haven't talked in like what feels like forever!"-Liam

"Uh hey....wats up?"

"Nothing just Kinda missing you"-Liam

"Oh um...look im so sorry but i got to go somewhere..."Clearly Lying

" okay see you tomorrow i guess?Goodnight."-Liam

Fuck my life.


I hear the alarm and get up and see Tammy still sleeping.I grab a pillow and throw it at her face"Wake the fuck up!"I nearly yell"What the Fuck Ellie!?"Tammy yells"Don't yell at me im saving your ass from being late i would have left you sleeping but then you would get pissed so yea."I say she gets up.I grab my Pierce the Veil shirt and slip it quickly on.I grab my Grey skinny jeans and put them on."Tammy im gonna go brush my teeth but do you have any eyeliner?"I say she hands me eyeliner i go to bathroom


I put on my combat boots and grab my book bag"Duces."I say and walk out the door.


Im in the Hallway by myself trying to get through the crowd of people"Get out of my way!"I yell pushing a girl i quickly go to my locker and grab my things to avoid seeing Niall.I walk into the classroom and see Zayn sitting there i sit next to him."Hey."I whisper "Hey whats up!?"He says smiling "Nothing just uh trying to avoid Niall you know..."I say looking at the floor "Oh yea he kinda told me about it..."He says"Yea hopefully he skips school today!"I whisper he laughs "Well looks like that wish failed."He laughs then i see Niall come in the room and sits on the other side of Zayn clearly ignoring me like im invisible."What ever."I whisper to myself."Good morning students looks like we have a new student today his name is..."He says then leans over to the boy and whispers"whats your name again?" "Its Isac...Isac Nava."He whispers back"Isac is the new students name!"The teacher smiles"Alright take your seat Mr.Nava."The teacher says and walks towards his desk.Leaving Isac by himself,He walks over and sits next to me."Uh i see you like bands and you seem harmful so im gonna sit next to you if you don't mind..."He says smiling Nervously"Don't worry i don't bite!"I put my hand out waiting for Isac to shake it.He dose and smiles."Whore."Niall whisper"Shut the fuck up you Twat don't get pissed off because i didn't fuck you last night."I say i hear people behind me "Oooo!"They say"And don't think ill ever fuck you either!"I say he slams his fist on the desk"Stop both of you now!"The teacher yells"Stay out of this!"Niall yells at the teacher"Who said i wanted to fuck you!?"He yells "Don't even Horan!"I get up from my seat and yell.He gets up from his seat "Your Fat and ugly!Why would i fuck A fat ugly Virgin BITCH!"He yells Zayn stands up"Not cool man!"He says Niall then realizes what he says "Im sorry..."He whispers I get up and walk to the door and Stick my middle finger up"Fuck you im done bitch."I say and walk out the classroom and slam the door behind me.


Sorry if the chapter is short but yea i kinda felt like updating btw you have to follow my friend worthnothing32 she has a lot of great books so just follow her please anyways Bye🌚😋

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