Darkness and Sorrow

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Ellie's POV:I slammed the door behind me."Fucking idiot i hate him so much!Gah!"I yell then i bump into someone"Watch it you twat!"I say then i see Liam"Oh...Im sorry..."I whisper"Its okay and whats wrong Ellie?"Liam say"Nothing im just...Done."I say


I go to my dorm and close the door.Then i see a note on my bed

"I know you've been going through a hard time....Wanna talk about it?"-Lou

I sigh and take my phone out.

"Hey lou..."

"Hey wats wrong Ellie?"-Louis

"Me and Niall got into a serious fight..."

"Wanna talk about it?"-Louis

"I guess..."

"Meet me at the park near campus"-Louis


I grab my black hoodie and leave


I walk towards the swings and sit on it I take a Cigaret out my pocket and light it i put it in my mouth.Then I see Louis running towards me"Dont smoke!"Louis says I blow the smoke out and say"Look I've had a shit day okay?This can take the pain away..." "Well still you shouldn't smoke..."Louis says and sits on the swing next to me"Um so anyways what happened..?"Louis whispers"Well we fought in class like i said it was kinda serious he called me Fat,Ugly,Whore and a bitch..."I whisper then i feel a tear escape my eye.Louis gets up from the swing and wipes the other tears away"Ellie Don't cry over him.."Louis says and hugs me"I...Cant stop crying because..."I whisper"Because?"Louis whispers"I love him..."I whisper and cry more"But all he dose is hurt you don't let him control you.."Louis whispers"I wont..."I whisper"He wont control me and i wont let him hurt me anymore..."I say and throw the Cigaret away Louis smiles."Good..."Louis says


After the Advice Louis gave me I been thinking of what im gonna tell Niall if he calls me,texts me,Or talks to me.I hear a knock at the door and think if i should open the door or not what if its Niall?Or Liam?I sigh and drag myself towards the door and say"Who is it?"

"Its me..."A Irish accent says I roll my eyes"Go away!"I yell"Please Ellie lets talk!"Niall says"There is nothing to talk about!"I yell"Ellie Please!"Niall begs "I don't want myself to get hurt so just leave..."I whisper"Fine but i want you to know I love you...Ellie..."Niall whispers and then i see a paper under my door.I pick it up it says

"Note to Ellie from Niall"


I was gonna update two days ago but wattpad is being a bitch rn.i saved my drafts and it would delete it😤.So i had to copy my drafts and thanks god its letting me Post this chapter😒

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