Chapter 6

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A breeze whipped through the cove near the Black Lake, but neither of the fourth-years noticed. Malfoy pressed his lips back onto Adriana's with a passion, and wrapped his arms tightly around her waist. Her hands had migrated to the back of his head, and she ran her fingers through his hair, mussing it a bit. He didn't care, but moved his lips the same as hers, and pressed her as close to him as possible. 

"OI!" Someone shouted out the door to castle, grasping both of their attention. Adriana pulled away, and Malfoy straightened his dress robes, obviously embarrassed. The person who yelled was none other than Harry Potter himself. Malfoy grabbed Adriana's hand and rolled his eyes. 

"Shove off, Potter! Addie and I are a  bit preoccupied." He called her Addie...he'd never done that before. 

"For your information, Malfoy. You and Dolohov have been missing nearly twenty minutes and Professor Snape is about to have a conniption. That Ball ended nearly an hour ago, and everyone else is in bed. Get inside and run back to your common room." 

Malfoy huffed, but he and Adriana bolted back inside. They took off down the halls, the pair of them stifling laughs, and their faces red with shyness. As they burst into the common room, Malfoy grabbed her around the waist, and spun her to meet his eyes. His hands darted up through her hair, and he pushed his lips gently onto hers. She smiled through the kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck, returning the passion. They stumbled their way across the common room, narrowly avoiding smashing a vase in the process. They pressed up against a wall, both their eyes either closed or taken up by the other. Malfoy took off his robes, leaving him in just pants and a shirt; the shirt he ripped off quickly. Adriana took off her shawl, the tiara having fallen off long ago by the Black Lake. She couldn't take off her dress, that would be going too far at the moment. Malfoy's fingers were running through her hair, and her hands pressing his back. The kiss was tongueless, but Adriana could feel the heat in the room rising. All of a sudden, a low whistle sounded across the room. Malfoy froze on the spot, his eyes shooting open in fear. 

He turned, face reddening by the second, to see Blaise, Theodore, and Goyle standing around the doorway to the boy's dorm. Astoria, Pansy, and Millicent were all watching from the girl's dormitory. "How long..." Malfoy sighed. 

"About two minutes. You guys couldn't have made more noise, you know," Theodore rolled his eyes, and turned back to the dorm. 

"Nice one, mate, but next time get a room of your own," Blaise winked and followed Theodore and Goyle back to bed. 

Malfoy sighed again. "Pricks. We should probably get back to bed, though....sadly." 

"Sadly," Adriana echoed through a smile. Malfoy leaned in and planted a very tender kiss on her forehead. 

"Goodnight, Adriana. I did have a good time tonight. Sleep well," he blushed and ascended the stairs to his dorm. 

"Goodnight, Draco," Adriana nearly whispered. He turned and looked at her with a very pleased look, and left for bed. As Adriana entered the girl's dorm, she was all smiles. She blushed, and fell onto her bed, full of inexplainable joy. 

"Good Merlin, Dolohov!" Pansy shrieked, full of smiles. Astoria gave Pansy a small shove and they both snapped the curtains on their beds closed. 

The next morning, Adriana woke to a little owl fluttering outside her window. She opened the glass pane, and let the tiny creature in. It was holing a very small, but glowing envelope. "Thank you," she whispered and the little thing took off into the snowy winds. She peered at the envelope. It was simply addressed with her first name, so it had to be student. As she opened it, she was pleasantly surprised. A delicate necklace with a black diamond fell onto her comforter. A grin plastered over face as she read the note: Addie-  thank you again for last night. I had a wonderful time. Maybe we could do it again? Possibly Hogsmeade this weekend? -D 

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