Chapter 14

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Adriana pushed her way through the crowded halls. It had been several days since the DA was discovered, and all the Gryffindors were avoiding her like the plague. She scooted into the back of Snape's Potions class, and slid into an empty seat next to Theodore Nott. He glanced up and pushed his notes over to her so she could copy them; she smiled at him and dug her quill out of her bag. 

Adriana slumped far into her seat, resting her chin in her palm. After several minutes of Snape droning about roots of asphodel, Adriana was come over with the odd sensation of being watched. She tilted her head enough to catch a glimpse of Theodore's head snapping away from her and back to Snape. A tiny grin played at her lips, as she contemplated her situation. Theodore's gaze occasionally wandered back to her several more times during the lecture, but each and every time she caught him. 

Right as the lesson ended, Theodore bolted out of his seat and dashed out into the halls, lost in a sea of students. A hand landed on the small of Adriana's back, and her head whipped around to see the smiling face of Draco Malfoy behind her. "Where's Theodore off to in such a rush?" He asked innocently. 

"Dunno," Adriana shrugged the question off. 

"Want to skip the next class?" Draco whispered. 

"Why? It's Umbridge and everyone loves her classes," Adriana rolled her eyes and mocked the teacher's toad like face. Draco laughed down at her, and leaned in for a kiss. Adriana raised a hand to his chest, gently pushing him off her. 

"What's wrong?" 

"Nothing, I just can't miss this class," Adriana frowned at Draco and turned toward the halls, dissolving into the crowds. She pushed down the little bit of guilt in her stomach for hurting his feelings, and arrived just on time for her DADA lecture. Again, the only open seat happened to be in the back with none other than Theodore Nott. He was slumped against the desk, nearly asleep when Adriana dropped down right beside him. She sighed and rubbed her fingers through her hair. Theodore glanced up, raising his eyebrows.

"Everything okay?"

"Not really," Adriana laughed nervously. "Draco is kind of driving me crazy." 

"Oh?" Oddly, Theodore didn't seem surprised. 

"Yeah, he goes from being so distant to just wanting to make out. I don't know what's going on with him!" 

"I heard that he's been seeing Astoria Greengrass recently." 

"What? When?" 

"He's been tutoring her or something...," Theodore yawned and shrugged. He seemed bored. 

"Are you just screwing with me?" 

"No! Ask the teacher!" Theodore looked slightly offended, but resumed his note taking. "If I were you," he whispered, "I wouldn't see Draco anymore." His eyes were soft as he looked at Adriana. "You deserve better, Addie." He didn't speak for the rest of the class. 

After class, Adriana caught him outside. "Theodore?" 


"Thank you for telling me. Do you know when they meet?" 

"I heard Umbridge say it was in the library after dinner." 


"No wouldn't want to help me on Snape's essay after dinner tonight would you? I'm not really getting his whole thing with root of asphodel." 

"No problem. I'll meet you in the common room later, I guess," Adriana smiled. The brown haired boy shot her a shy smile and meandered his way through a group of Ravenclaws toward the Great Hall. 

Much later in the evening, Adriana slipped out of the common room and began her journey to the library. As she entered, a group of snickering Gryffindors left, whispering like mad about something. Adriana peered into the room, and almost vomited at what she saw. A pit of anxiousness dropped in her stomach as she watched her boyfriend sitting mere inches away from Astoria. He was holding her hand loosely, and they were muttering about something. He pulled her into a hug, and she let her head rest on his shoulder. They looked perfectly happy there. Adriana bit her lip, holding back a flood of tears, but she turned towards them and stormed into the library. 

"Draco Malfoy!" She shouted, earning an angry glare from the librarian. Draco leaped back from Adriana, fear in his eyes. "How could you do this? I don't care what it looks like!" 

Draco stood to meet her gaze and bit his lip nervously. Astoria was in tears, her face bright red. "Listen, Adriana, I was going to tell's just, I had to help Astoria, and we started getting along very well..." 

"It appears so," Adriana crossed her arms. 

"Are you angry?"

"Am I angry? You know what?"

"What...?" Draco's eyes were full of pain, and he looked genuinely torn between the two girls with him. 

"We're done. Don't speak to me, don't sit near me in class. I've found someone better, too." 

"Who? Who could possibly be better?" 

"A lot of people with that attitude, Malfoy. I don't want to be seen with scum like you right now. Have a good evening with Astoria." 

"I plan on it," Draco spat. 

Adriana dug her teeth into her lower lip, drawing a bit of blood as tears started dripping down her face. She ran and sobbed all the way back to the common room, forgetting her meeting with Theodore. He looked up from his spot on the couch, disturbed from his concentration on the essay. 


She sniffed, but wandered over next to him. 

"Are you and Draco...?" 

Adriana nodded and rested her head on Theodore's shoulder. 

"Maybe it was just meant to be a quick thing...relationships are like that. You guys were very passionate all of the time...maybe things just wore out?" 

"Maybe," Adriana cried. 

"We don't have to work on the project. Do you need anything?" Theodore's genuine concern leaked through his words. 

"No," she whispered. Theodore wrapped his arm around her and settled into the couch, letting her cry. 

Author's note! 

hey guys! so so sorry that it's been so long since I updated! I just got so busy with life haha. Well, I decided to put a little drama in the story because the middle of OOTP is boring. Hope you guys like it! Let me know what you think! 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2019 ⏰

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