Trip to Diagon Alley

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It was the early morning of the second Monday of August. Emma Swan woke at exactly 4 am, even if she had not set her alarm clock at that hour. She’s far too excited for her to go back to sleep. She was going to London today! For the first time, she’d be out of the region.

David is supposed to meet her today, and he’ll be taking care of their transport. She had decided to pack her luggage, so she’ll be ready when the man picks her up. She took a bath to pass time. It’s 5: 30 am.

Even though Emma was truly eager for her new adventure, she can’t help but get a bit anxious of what might happen? David might have a little home-y aura, she was still worried in the next hours with the man. After all, she had only spent an hour with the wizard. 

Emma had already decided her wardrobe a few days ago. It was a green leather jacket, black shirt adorned with blue laces, her favorite pants and red sneakers. She had decided to wear her silver swan necklace. Madam Ellsbury gave it to her, saying that it was with her when Emma was left in the orphanage. Emma didn’t like the fact that it was from her parents, but still, it was the only thing that connected her to her biological family. It was also the reason why her surname is “Swan”.

Emma spent her last hours left saying goodbye to her fellow orphans. Madam Ellsbury had cried on her shoulder, causing her jacket to get wet. A few kids had given her farewell gifts, like Henry, who have given her a picture of them both framed using popsicle sticks. She stared fondly at the picture, oh how she’d miss the sweet little kid.

Its 8 am. After a few minutes, a few knocks were heard.

“Emma? Open up.”, said the voice behind the door.

Emma could always recognize that voice. Warm like summer breeze, flowing freely like honey suckle. It was David. He had come to pick her up, just as he promised. The blonde made her way to the door and opened up.

“Morning, David.” Emma said.

“Good morning, to you, too, Emma. Are you ready? Got your things packed up?” the older man asked.

Emma nodded.

“Good. C’mon, I’ll go pick your bags. ” David said and flashed the blonde a smile. The man went in and got Emma’s bag.

“Thanks. And by the way, how are we getting to London anyway? Are we riding a plane?” the young girl asked.

“Muggle transport? No, Emma. We’re apparating. Or teleporting, whichever term you prefer.”

“Awesome! Wait, what’s a muggle?” Emma inquired. She had never heard such thing before. Was it a term for something? Someone?

“Non-magical folk. Shall we?”

David motioned towards the orphanage’s office to bid farewell to the staff. Emma followed the older man, and said goodbye as well. They both went outside and walked a few blocks away from the orphanage. Both of them entered a quiet alley, David broke the silence between them.

David offered his hand to Emma and said casually, “Grab my hand, Emma. Take hold very firmly, you don’t want to get splinched.”, and then winked. “That reminds me, do you have motion sickness?”

The blonde, as usual, looked skeptically at the man and grabbed hold of his hand.

 “Of course not, why did you ask?”

“Simple. I don’t want to get my precious muggle clothes ruined.” Then he added under his breath, “Your mom would’ve killed me.”

“What did you say, David?”

The older man merely chuckled. “I said get ready now.”

Emma held the man’s hand tightly as David told her. The older man closed his eyes and the blonde felt as if the world tilted.

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