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Alice POV

"What was I thinking? That he would left his wife for me just because we kissed a couple times? You're such a fool Alice"


"Of course she would always stand by her half brained husband, what was I even thinking? That she would leave her husband the minute I divorced Gladys? Your a fool FP"


*3 weekes later*

Both FP and Alice lived their own lives apart from each other but besides their best efforts they could never forget one another. Occasionaly FP would drop Jughead at school remembering every single minute he once spent there with a certain blonde and Alice would look at her prom dress hanged in her wardrobe and she would try her best not to cry remembering how she and FP danced all night. 

Days went by, and every week seemed less painful and even tho Alice just figured out that her husband's "busineess trip" was nothing more than a lame excuse for him to spend a week in thornhill with his mistress Penelope, life was retorning to normal. Hal was now living at some crapy motel after she kicked him out but she couldn't care less, she had a handfull with her daughters and her grandchildren. 

After a month without seeing FP, Ms Cooper soon to be Ms Smith conviced herself that she actually had fallen out of love with him. That of course, was before she, Polly and the twins went to the kids playground only to found him playfully pushing Jellybean in the swings while Gladys happily aproacched them with ice-creams. He never saw Alice but she saw him. And her whole world crashed, her feelings for him were still there and her already broken heart had been broken once again.

FP had missed Alice so much for the past few weeks that he got used to it, he got used to feeling miserable, his chest aching for her was now just like a daily basis, just like washing the teeth.


"Broccolis, carrots, potatoes... I'm forgeting something, oh God I hate shopping, what was it again? SPINACH! I got it I'm forggeting the spinaches. Ridiculous, that name is just ridiculous"


FP was rambling the store looking for the missing vegetable when he saw her. There she was, his Alice walking around on her perfect northside facade, carefully choosing the perfect apples. He stopped for a minute appreciating her beauty, and he wanted to say hi, he really did "But would she even reply? Does she even want to see me?" his mind was racing, the person who he wanted the most was just standing 5 feet away from him. FP decided not to disturb her and turned around, leaving the store.

"Damn it, the spinaches" he muffled, he wanted to go back inside but knowing fully well that his heart wouldn't be able to handle seeing her again, he left.

Jughead and Betty were laughing at some obnoxious TV show when Alice got home with the groceries. Immediately, the young couple offered to help and all three of them starting making dinner. 

"Mom? Can Jug please have dinner with us? Betty begged and Alice nodded "Only if his parents agree, honey".

Alice would never admit it but she often sees herself in her daughter's boyfriend, how he likes to write and how he loves a good story, the way he easily gives his life fot the ones he love. She grew found of that kid, treating him just like one of her daughters. She even openned a save account for him, knowing fully well that his father wouldn't be able to afford all the college bills. If it depends on her, he is going to have a really good future. Nobody really knows and she never had the chance to talk to FP about it but Jug is turning 18 in a few days and Alice is going to tell him. She doesn't know how yet but she will.

After dinner, the three of them went to Pop's for an ice-cream.

"Ms Cooper?" the Jones boy said. "Oh please, call me Alice" she replied.

"Right... Alice...? I.. I very much would like you to come to my birthday party..." he shyly said "and I know you don't really like me or the serpents and all but" he began to speak really fast but she interrupted.

"I will be there Jughead Jones" she smiled at him and he smiled back at her.

It was almost 11pm and it was getting late. Outside Pop's, before heading to the car, Betty kissed her boyfriend promising to keep on writing with him tomorrow on the Blue and Gold.

"Forsythe Pendleton Jones the third" Alice said in a sweet but also very serious voice. She cupped her hands in Jug's face and whispered "Don't you ever, for a second, think that I don't like you". His eyes were shinning with joy and anyone would guarantee that they were brighter then the stars above them.

FP had just arrived for his night shift and without anyone noticing him he stood there, just in time to silently watch Alice kiss his son's forehead- It was such a simple, yet sweet gesture, it melted his heart.


First of all, I want to apolagize about my english. I'm not a native speaker and I'm trying really hard to not make any mistakes so if you notice something wrong please tell me. Also, I'm rennaming the chapters beacuse I've decided to make an on-going story instead of oneshots.

Next chapter will be Jughead's Birthday.

Love, Winter.

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