Part 2

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It's 10:30 pm and I just got home from one of the longest days of my life. Though I say that about everyday but still, it was long as fuck. "Hey beautiful." My cat salem scratched at my leg waiting for pets. ( I really want a black cat named Salem) I picked up the small black cat and rubbed behind her ears. Small purrs escaped her little mouth.

"Sorry love." I said kissing the cat on her hair and set her on my bed and changed out off disgusting Walmart uniform. Honestly they're the most unflattering and ugly thing on the planet. Like who thought *lets put our staff, in slacks, boxy black tshirts and ugly over sized vests* like no let's not but like I said it pays the bills for now. At least I know get to put on my over sized palaye shirt, and shorts so life is good. *meow* "come here" I said in my lovey dovey animal voice, don't judge everyone has one. "You hungry?" *meow* I rolled my eyes the cat, and walked to the kitchen.

"Here you go." I set down the cat food and collapsed on my black leather couch. *bing* *grrrrrr* I got back up grabbing my phone checking the message.
Hey:) - 4390273736 (not a real number)
Who is this?? - Spencer
Dewight from the office ;) - 4390273736
:/ not funny actually though who is this?-spencer
:/ it's Awsten - Awsten
Who? -Spencer
Wow I'm offended- Awsten
Im sorry I don't remember who you are... what did you look like :) -Spencer
Purple hair, Walmart ;) -Awsten
Oh it's you ....:( -Spencer
My heart :0 -Awsten
I was just kidding, how are you? -Spencer
I'm good, just wanted to see if you'd like to hangout this weekend?? :] -Awsten
Let me check my schedule.... ha jk don't have one. Sure what day and time?? -Spencer
Saturday 1 pm?? - Awsten
Sure meet at the Walmart we met at :)- Spencer
Can I build another fort?? - Awsten
No.... goodnight - Spencer
Read by Awsten

Wow that boy is needy. At least he likes the office, that's a good thing .


"Earth to Awsten!" Geoff yelled. "What?" "Hey off your phone we need quality time together as a family." He said with lovey eyes and hugging Otto. I swear I am in the weirdest band. "Fine." I grumbled and out down the phone. It was fine because I already finished asking out Spencer :). "So about the gig tomorrow, who are we opening for?" Otto asked. He's never been on top of things but I still love him. Even though he doesn't have god damn social media so he basically lives under a god damn rock. "Fall out boy." I said with a big smile. It was our first really big show, like that. "Cooool, well I'm hungry can we go to a restaurant or something?" Geoff said stomach grumbling. I rolled my eyes I checked the time. "Well it's 10:52 I don't think anything is really open except a pub or McDs." "Eh pub, they have the best salads, and chicken wings!" Geoff said running to the door already with a sweater on, and car keys in hand. "Fine let's go." I said dragging Otto with me. If I'm going to a pub Ottos going down with me. *grrrrr* Otto growled. Oh yeah it's his bed time. "Come on Otto please?" I gave him the puppy dog eyes. "Ughhhh Fine." "Bless your soul." And with that we followed Geoff to the car.

It's been a weird day:/

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2019 ⏰

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