Chapter 1

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I was just about to drift off to sleep when I heard the signal that the plane would be taking off momentarily. I was on my way from New York to California. I grew up in Upstate New York and have lived here my whole life. For a while now my plan was to move out west once I graduated from college. In fact, my graduation present from my parents was this plane ticket and months worth of rent to get me started.

I recently graduated with my Bachelors degree in Business and Journalism. I'm still not sure what I want to do with my life but have decided to go with the wind and follow wherever it takes me.

One of my biggest passions is photography. I love taking portraits and landscapes but really appreciate action photography, such as live concerts or other similar events. I'm hoping to be able to incorporate this in with my career.

I also love writing. I enjoy writing about my travels and adventures but also like to review events, such as those I photograph. One of the classes I took in my final semester at school consisted of going to or watching certain events and reviewing them.

The signal to put our seatbelts back on ripped me from my thoughts and I noticed we were about to land. I clicked my seatbelt in place and prepared for landing, but also for the next chapter of my life.

As soon as I collected my belongings, I followed the other passengers off the plane. Since I had no checked luggage I was able to catch an Uber outside of the airport. I had decided there was no point in checking any luggage and had all of my things sent to my new apartment.

When I arrived to the apartment building, it started to set in that I was really alone. My parents weren't nearby if I needed help and I have no friends here. I took my phone out of my purse and took a selfie with the apartment building in the background to sent to my mom.

I walked into the building and took the elevator to the fourth floor where I would find my apartment. I unlocked the door to see all of my boxes. I sighed, knowing this was going to be a giant chore that I would have to endure alone. I began to unpack everything and put everything in its place.

At about eight o'clock that night I was pretty much finished and felt proud of myself. I hopped in the shower before going to bed and decided to try to relax.

The next morning, I got ready for my first full day in Los Angeles. I had big plans to visit various recording studios and music companies to see if I could make any connections that could turn into a job. I needed to wear something both professional but also in style. Considering it was projected to be 80 degrees and sunny, I opted for a light pair of jean capris and a short sleeved dress shirt. I paired my outfit with a cute pair of sandals. I loaded a few of my essentials in my camera bag and opted to only carry that so I didn't have to lug both the camera bag and a purse all day since I planned on doing a lot of walking.

Around lunch time my feet were killing me and I was ready for a break. I stopped at this cute little restaurant for lunch and ordered a strawberry salad. It was delicious and as I was eating I noticed another building across the street I hadn't yet been to. After I ate and paid, I hobbled over to the building and stepped inside. The interior was extremely minimalistic, mostly white and some silver here and there. Across from the entrance, a kind looking woman greeted me.

"Hi, my name is Payton Bayles and I just moved to Los Angeles. I am a photographer, mostly action photos but I also do portraits and landscapes. I also write and was hoping there might be someone I could talk to or a place I could leave some business cards?" I asked.

"For starters, welcome to LA! How about you leave some business cards with me and put some over on the bulletin board as well. I'll make sure to spread your name around," she replied.

"That would be so great! Thank you!"

I turned around to leave some of my business cards on the bulletin board and noticed a man standing across the room. I didn't pay attention, wanting desperately to secure a job or at least a paid project.

"I might be interested in your services," the man said.

I looked up at him as he walked closer to me. After looking at his face I realized that it was THE Adam Levine from Maroon 5 and The Voice who was speaking to me.

"My name is Adam but from your expression, I'm going to guess that you already knew that."

"Ummmm," I tried to utter words.

Adam chuckled at me, understanding my reaction.

"My name is Payton," I attempt.

"Hi, Payton. That's a beautiful name. It's nice to meet you."

"Thank you. It's nice to meet you too."

"Can we set up a meeting to talk? Or are you available now?" He asked.

"I can talk now. I've just been going around trying to drum up business."

He nodded and gestured for me to follow him. I did and he led me to a small conference room and muttered to sit down anywhere. I sat and he sat down across from me after shutting the door behind us.

"So, getting down to business. Maroon 5 is going on a very short tour, just a few weeks to a month. We are leaving soon and I thought it would be interesting to have plenty of pictures and videos, behind the scenes type for the fans. I would also like if this person could help out with our social media. I hate worrying about that and in this business it is a necessary evil. Before we talk numbers, is this something you would be interested in? It would be a trial basis and could possibly turn into a semi- permanent job."

"Yes I would be very interested," I replied quickly.

"Awesome. I was thinking this amount for your services before the tour and this amount for the whole tour. Travel, lodging, food, and other expenses included, but not in that amount."

Adam scribbled down two numbers and pushed the page towards me.

"Does that seem fair to you? I would also like for you to spend time with the crew and become one of us so it entails putting up with a bunch of guys too," he added.

To be honest, I would still accept the job for much less, but I quickly nodded and accepted the deal.

"Great, now that the business bull shit is over we can get to know each other. Can you start tomorrow? Maybe work on some photos so we're on the same page? This is very informal, so whatever works for you."

"That works for me."

"Excellent. Come to this address tomorrow morning. Whenever you get there, I'll be there all morning."

I took the address that Adam gave me and put it in my purse.

"Oh, also here is my phone number," he added.

What just happened?

Won't Go Home Without You (Adam Levine)Where stories live. Discover now