I Remember: 2016

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I remember the day I met you for the first time

I had just turned 16

I had just started at the school

I remember my teacher playing your music

I remembered a song he played

I remember finding your music on YouTube

I remember the day I found it

I remember I was having a hard time at school

I remember I was being bullied

I remember the day my teacher played it

I remember smiling because your music just made me smile

I remember my teacher telling me you were coming to the school

I remember my teacher inviting me to meet you

I remember looking for a decent outfit to meet you in

I remember doing my makeup in the car ride to school

I remember listening to your music in the cafeteria while waiting for you

I remember the pounding of my heart when you walked in

I remember you singing one of your songs in different parts to show us the break down of writing

I remember you explaining the process of writing that song

I remember you looking down and smiling when you got a compliment on your music

I remember having to sing my song for you

I remember how much I didn't want to because I knew I sucked

I remember you complimenting it

I remember feeling happy for the first time in a year because you said you liked it

I remember talking to your girlfriend

I remember smiling while talking to her

I remember when you had to leave

I remember asking you for a video for a friend who loved your music

I remember asking you for a photo

I remember being so insecure about myself in the photo

I remember taking a selfie with you

I remember the fact that I was so shaky you had to take it

I remember someone taking flash photos beside us so you took four photos to hopefully get a good one

I remember that that was the last time I felt truly happy for two years 

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