I Remember: the first 24 hours

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I remember the first 24 hours we spent together

I remember texting you the night before

I remember I had just flown into the city

I remember laying in an unfamiliar bed

I remember smiling at the texts you sent me

I remember the feeling of the blanket I brought with me to the unfamiliar city against my cheek

I remember telling you I was falling asleep

I remember you telling me to sleep because you knew I needed it

I remember waking up the morning of the day I was seeing you

I remember texting you good morning

I remember knowing you were probably still asleep

I remember showering in an unfamiliar place

I remember getting ready in the bathroom of that unfamiliar place

I remember seeing your text as I was getting ready

I remember asking you for the time I should be at your show

I remember you telling me the wrong time

I remember me forgetting the face masks you told me to get while rushing to get to the venue in time

I remember calling my best friend in the Uber

I remember telling her goodbye when they told us that we could come into the venue

I remember seeing you in the corner of my eye

I remember seeing you carrying the guitar you always play at shows

I remember walking over to you and standing in front of you

I remember you looking up

I remember the way your eyes lit up when you saw me

I remember the difference of your hug

I remember how much tighter and filled with meaning it felt compared to when I was just a "fan"

I remember feeling safe in your arms

I remember you smiling when you asked me how my flight was

I remember laughing and telling you it was good

I remember the cold of the floor I sat on when you did your acoustic set

I remember walking to the green room with you

I remember seeing the other boys you were on tour with

I remember them remembering me

I remember them both giving me hugs

I remember the chill of the evening air as we had a cigarette together before you went to the gym

I remember you texting me saying you might have to leave that night

I remember the rush of the uncomfortable disappointment I felt when I received that text

I remember when I had to rush out of the green room for your set

I remember the feeling of wetness on my jeans because I spilt water on them in the rush to see you perform

I remember smiling when heading your voice

I remember catching your eye while you were singing

I remember having a smoke with you after your set

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