Report 1: Morning

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    A loud snoring came from a run down apartment, the near earth quaking roar muffled the distant clamor of the hellish city-scape far below. Soon, it was interrupted by a loud beeping noise, which was more of a demonic snarl. An annoyed groan was heard from the once snoring person.

   "Seir, answer," a groggy female voice said.

   "Ello'? Ello'? Zamara, are you there?" a voice asked from the person's mirror. 

   "What, Fabio? Work doesn't start until nine. What have I told you about interrupting my beauty sleep?"

   "Nine? Right now eet ees eight thirty!"

   The demon sat up in her bed, snapping the mirror shut. 

   "Shit, she was right!"

   Samara quickly hopped out a black bed, rummaging through her closet in a hurry, pulling out one of her work outfits. She hurriedly put it on, going to her vanity and putting on makeup. Her face was covered in grimy scars and cracks.

   "Damn it, I'll just finish when I get there!"

   Samara grabbed her make up case and mirror, running out the dirty building, someone yelling at her.

   "Ey! Keep quiet next time, us folks gots to sleep to!"

   "Shut up you old hag, go choke on a knife!" Samara replied sharply, running off.

   She attempted to keep her balance, since running in pumps fared to be quite difficult. She was looking at herself in the mirror, attempting to put on foundation. Eventually, she ran into somebody.

   "Watch it you pig!" 

   The demon looked at her, glaring. It then payed her no mind and walked off. Samara leered at them, looking at her watch.

   "AH SHIT!"

   She grabbed her mirror and headed quickly to the building in which she worked. Bursting through the doors, she dropped her mirror once more.

   "Samara! You're on in five!" a voice told her. It happened to be Fabio.

   "My makeup isn't finished-"

   "5, 4, 3, 2, 1..."

   She put on a fresh coat of black lipstick before turning to the camera.

   Hello everybody, my name is Samara Slaughter, and I'm here with Hell's most reliable news channel!

Hell is rife with drugs, sex, and crime!

It's all horrific and it's real! And the story starts at 9!

Today there was a double homicide, and two bodies were found in a lake!

The souls lost were Emily Nettles and her sister Samantha, who were both killed in a gang fight!

Their bodies were dumped in the lake, but it was made of blood,

So for two weeks nobody knew there were corpses at the bottom of a lake!

(Full song unavailable)

   "And cut!" The camera woman said.

   Samara sighed. "Bring me my coffee," she grumbled. 

   "At least you weren't late," she said. Her name happened to be Fabio, the camera woman and Samara's assistant. She handed the woman her coffee.

   "These stories have been so bland lately.." Samara groaned, sipping her cup.

   "I always zink zat zey are a little too much."

   "I still wish I could get a good clincher... I'd get paid more than I do."

   "Living in Treachery zeems a bit dangerous..." Fabio replied. 

   "It's the high life!"

   She swirled the liquid with her finger before licking it off. 

   "Samara Slaughter, it's meeting time!" someone called.

   "Oh zear," Fabio shook her head.

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