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Present Day

Waking up at 6:30 five days a week, being forced to interact with people that you barely know and being forced to do work to help you later on in life is not exactly an ideal thing to do for most of your life. The sound of the alarm clock screaming at you to wake your ass up and to do something is something that all students know to well, and Maeve Brown was no exception. Being known as "the weird kid," Maeve dreaded going to school. She tries to act tough to the kids around her, she tries not to let their name calling affect her in anyway, but being called a whore  ever sense you were fourteen and having a drug addicted mom is not exactly making it easy.

She wipes her eyes and leans up as she picks up her alarm and throws it into the wall, causing it to break and the loud ringing noise to end. She leans back down and slams her pillow against her face, staying like that for a couple minutes. She finally gets up, pulling her messy, blond and pink hair into a bun as she walks to her closet, picking out something to wear. After spending a total of ten minutes, she falls back to her normal dress attire. Black shirt, leather jacket, torn jeans, and high heel boots.

Maeve walks out of her trailer, slamming the door behind her. She blew a strand of her hair out of her face as she walked into the place known as hell on earth. "School" she mumbles, her voice raspy yet soft. She walks inside the wooden doors and smelt the smell of school. A mixture between sweat and anxiety.

Maeve was walking to her locker, her head hung low.
Why do kids have to be so mean was a thought she had often. She puts in her combination, turning the knob slowly as she feels eyes staring into the back of her head like lasers. She turns around sharply, looking around the hallways, her eyes meeting Otis's. Otis was the only normal guy at the school, or at least slightly normal guy. While others were having sex and partying, he would stay at home and study, do things productive. "What the hell do you want" she asks, staring at him coldly.

"Nothing. You just seem out of it today." Maeve was very fascinated by Otis. He was different. He was caring of others.

"I'm not. How about you kind your own business before we have a problem"

Otis nods as he smiles slightly. He turns around, opening his locker and grabbing his books. He walks away, Maeve watching him leave. She did not know why she was mean to him or anyone else. She quickly shakes away the thought as she slams her locker and walks to her first class, history.

Sitting down in the seat closest to the window, Maeve pulls out her notebook and begins drawing, not paying attention to what the teacher had to say. Otis was looking at the teacher, copying down what she was saying. Otis never believed in legends or anything supernatural, so whenever the teacher brought up the mysterious legend of the explorer who was taken into a door in the woods, he started zoning out. He looks over at Maeve who was drawing, a small smile appearing across his face.

The bell rings, knocking him out of his trance. He quickly stands up and walks out of the room. Maeve slams her notebook closed as she walks after Otis. "I thought I told you to stop staring at me weirdo." She said crossing her arms over her chest.

"I uh" he froze for a moment "I'm sorry." He shook his head knowing he had messed up.

"Yeah whatever. Can you just stop please" she said rolling her eyes.

"I can't help it that your so beautiful" he says, a small smirk across his face.

"Oh shut up" she said walking away, a small blush on her face.

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