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Jughead P.O.V.

I came back to the hotel from our serpent meeting and Ronnie's face was all red, her eyes were all red and puffy and some mascara smudged. I knew she was crying so I just brought her into a big embrace and rubbed her back until she calmed down... "what's wrong Ronnie" I asked "n-nothing" she basically whispered "i know you probably don't want to talk about it but please tell me tomorrow" I said "Yes I will..." she let a huge sigh out after that. I put on a movie and it was about 7:30 at the time and we cuddled and fell asleep in each other's arms... 'I had forgotten everything about the challenge, I fell... I fell for Veronica Cecilia Lodge.... and she made me so happy but why was she upset, I'll know tomorrow' I fell asleep after saying that in my head

**** Next day
Veronica P.O.V.

I woke up before Jug and put on this outfit and did my hair like this, I decided not to put in make up

I woke up before Jug and put on this outfit and did my hair like this, I decided not to put in make up

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I was eating toast when I heard a groan, coming from jughead as he woke up I giggled and hugged him

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I was eating toast when I heard a groan, coming from jughead as he woke up I giggled and hugged him... I hope he starts with me after I tell him... "uh... jug can I tell you something? I know you won't want to be with me after this..." I told him "what's wrong Ronnie, your scaring me...?" He looks upset... I went to the bathroom and told him to shut his eyes I put it on the counter and he opened his eyes and saw this

 I went to the bathroom and told him to shut his eyes I put it on the counter and he opened his eyes and saw this

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"You- Your pregnant? With my child..." he said shocked "I am Jug I'm so sorry, I know you wouldn't want to be with me anymore I understand but I'm not killing or getting rid of our baby I-" I was cut off by him smashing his lips against mine, I pulled back a little smiling. "I will never leave you Ronnie is against the world, all three of us together forever" he said kissing my stomach. "I know this might be to soon but Veronica Cecilia lodge, I-I love you" he blurted out and I just kissed him "I love you too Forthseye Pendleton the III" I say back to him "how are we going to tell our parents?" He asked concerned "don't bother mine they are in New York... but your dad I don't know, let's do it tomorrow... what do you think Jug?" I told him "okay tomorrow" he smiled at me and grabbed my hand and gave them a squeeze, I knew he was happy to be a dad... but I'm scared of what's going to happen at school, will people slut shame me or will they be nice? What if my water breaks at school, people would be grossed out? So many thoughts in my head until someone, my prince pulled me out of them "it's going to be okay imma be here with you, I love you princess" he said kissing my head. I buried my head in the crook of his neck, "Love you too" I whispered but I knew he heard me.

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I hope you enjoyed this part you beautiful sunflowers       ~Zoey🌻

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