•Secrets out•

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Veronica P.O.V.

I woke up with the annoying sound of my alarm clock. I looked at my phone 45 minutes to get ready so I threw on this comfy outfit and called Jug. No answer, I went down stairs and started to open the door. There he was with coffee for me "Mornin babygirl" he said with a big dorky smile. "Hey Prince Charming" We linked arms and walked to his bike "hold tight" he told me I complied and 5 minutes later we were at school. We walked inside like normal but today everyone stared at me. I went to my locker trying to ignore them but when I got to my locker a bunch of girls pushed Jug away and surrounded me asking me questions like... "Your pregnant?" "How does it feel being a pregnant teenager" I pushed all of them and ran and ran until I bumped into someones chest I looked up but I couldn't tell who it was since my eyes were blurry. I just hung to his jacket it was serpent jacket so I didn't mind who it was. "SWEETPEA!" I heard someone yell  I then got turned around and brought to an embrace "who- who is this?" I asked "I'm here princess I'm here" Jug told me.

Jughead P.O.V.

"Lets get out of here" I say to her, she looked up and nodded. We got on the bike and went to Pops dinner and café. "How did they figure this out? Who told the school? Jug! People are going to think I'm a slut! oh my god Jug what am I suppose to do?!" she said worrying, I grabbed her hands " I asked Archie and he said Betty told him and he got excited and told some people, he is sorry though" I explained to her. "It's -He's he's okay... I just need to calm down a bit and breathe  a lot" She said really fast "Hey kids what would you like to order?" Pop said "Three burgers, onion rings, fries and a chocolate milkshake pop" the raven beauty said "Be out shortly" Pop said again and left "Jug why didn't you order anything?" The girl in front of me asked "Your telling me that was all for you?" I said teasing her. She giggled and looked down and played with the ring I got her. The food came out and Veronica dug in, I laughed and grabbed a burger and some fries. If anything could've gotten worse it just did the whole football team walked in a headed toward our table. "V Lodge I see you ordered a lot of food since your going to get fat with you being pregnant and whatever" Reggie mantle said "Leave her alone Reginald" I said trying to shut him up "Why you scared she'll leave you and get pregnant with another guy?" Chuck replied everyone else chuckled. I didn't say anything just got up and punched Reggie then I saw chuck go down I looked up Veronica had her hands in fists looking down at the two fallen boys and she laughed at them "Keep your thoughts about me my children and my boyfriend to yourself or this is going to happen to you" she said to the football boys over by the door they nod and ran out. she hugged me "I love you" she mumbled as she dug into the food again and we stayed like that till 7:00 P.m


Hey sunflowers I want to know if you had any suggestions on what to do or a different story please comment and thank you all my sunflowers🌻          ~Zoey

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