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"I know this is hard for you, Elias." My sister spoke, finally breaking the agonizing silence. The grass crunched beneath my Dothraki made sandals, as I came to a rest on the ground in front of her. She had Rhaegal behind her, leaning against his large body. He exhaled heavily, loving the closeness of his mother's presence.

I always thought Daenerys was prettier than me. She was a true Targaryen, through and through. She had hair the color of snow and eyes as violet as the Mereen sunset. She and Viserys could've been twins, had fate allowed it. I looked nothing of the sort; Yellow blonde hair, and eyes like emeralds. Viserys used to say that I must've been a bastard, as no one else in the Targaryen line had yellow hair.

"Hard?" I scoffed. "I am being sold like a pretty mare to some barbaric Stark king." Daenerys glanced up at me, her eyes alight with annoyance.

"He is one of the last of his line. You were originally to be wed to Jon Snow, but we all know how that story goes."

"Probably for the best." I huffed angrily. "It would have been me slaughtered at the wall instead of that wildling woman."

"I am very fond of Robb's brother Jon." Dany snapped, as if my comment had insulted her. "In fact I am fond of most of the Starks. They will be good to you, Elias."

"And what if this North King refuses my hand?" I was trying to come up with anything to get me out of this entire situation. I wasn't fit to be a queen, or a wife.

"I will unfortunately have to take the North with fire and blood, sweet sister." Daenerys said, bored, confident that he would in fact accept. I was just getting further and further from the light at the end of the tunnel.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, my queen." Lord Tyrion approached us, a scroll clutched in his fist. "This is for you, Eliasandrys." I held my breath as I slowly unravelled the scroll, already knowing what it was for.

"Well?" Dany pried. "What does it say?"

"Princess Eliasandrys Targaryen,
Daughter of the late King Aerys and Queen Rhaella Targaryen,
Princess of Mereen.

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Stark's home of Winterfell. Upon meeting you, his Grace will make his final decision in the offering of your hand, and the Stark-Targaryen alignment. He will be expecting you within the next month. You will be cared for and safe at our castle.

Maester Laertes, House Stark"

"He wants to meet me."

"That is wonderful news." The bile rising in my throat fought to escape. I looked to the imp, my sister's hand, and he seemed to have sympathy for me.

"I mean you no disrespect, Daenerys." Tyrion cleared his throat. I hoped he would talk some sense into my sister, she always listened to him. Even Jorah couldn't convince my sister like Tyrion could. "But, I don't see a Targaryen and Stark alignment going in our favor. I am experienced with those of their blood. They are dangerous, passionate almost to a fault, but still not to be trifled with."

"As are the Lannisters. As are you, according to most." Daenerys reminded him. "Weren't you married to a Stark woman?" Tyrion's face contorted.

"Firstly, Sansa Stark was not a woman. She was just a girl." Daenerys rolled her eyes. "And secondly, I technically am still married to her."

"Wonderful." My sister smiled eagerly. "Then you will have no trouble accompanying Elias and Jorah to Winterfell." I scoffed, just as a horrified gasp escaped his lips. 

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