It's good to be back

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AN: So this is my first time writing Fanfiction. I apologize in advance for any grammatical errors or miss use of words. I have a spelling disability so I'll try my best. Hope you enjoy.

AAN: Hey guys if you enjoy Bucky Barnes fanfics please go check out my other story "After the end" and tell me what you think!!

It has been over six months since getting shot by Tasha. I've been in recovery trying to get back to my kick ass Hathaway self so I can finally be Lissa's guardian or should I say Her Majesty since my best friend is now Queen. It's actually still a big shock even now but I do have to say she makes an amazing queen but I never doubted she would.

Recovery has sucked! I mean I never get to do anything fun. First it was rest, then it was work outs to make sure I could start working again. Let's just say the whole ordeal has been very trying. I get to see Dimitri every few weeks when he's not on duty protecting Christian. Christian is Lissa's boyfriend and the Moroi Dimitri is guardian for. It's kinda hard to see him right now since I'm at a recovery facility that isn't very close to Lissa or Christian which of corse mean no Dimitri well at least not as much as I'd like.

It's finally my last week of recovery then I get discharged and get to go back. Thank god! I mean know offense the people her were a lot of help but I need to get back to my friends plus the food here sucks. I mean would it kill them to put a cheese burger on the menu? Guardian Roderick was my recovery trainer who was the one helping me get back on my feet. To be honest I think he's worse than Dimitri and I didn't even think that was possible.

After about three hours of work outs I fall to the floor exasperated. "So can I go home now?" I say panting still trying to regain my breath. Roderick looks over at me questionably. "Maybe. Your low jabs still need work though." He say crossing his arms. "At least I'm healed enough to even do them! Can't I go home and work on them?" I pleaded which generally I'm not much for doing but if I had to stay her any longer I just might lose my mind.

Roderick looked at me for a moment and then let out a deep breath. "I suppose so." His answer had me leap for joy. "I'll write the discharged papers and then you can go back tomorrow." I leaped into his arms catching him by surprise. "Miss Hathaway this really isn't necessary." Trust me it was. "You're getting me out of this psych ward, trust me it is." I chuckled. "Kinda harsh." He laughed. "You should go back to your room and get packing." He said.

I took off to my room and began throwing everything in my suit case. I didn't care if it looked neat I just wanted to get the heck out of here. After that I decided to go to bed which was almost impossible since I was excited. I sat up quickly coming to a realization. "I didn't tell Lissa!" I was debating calling her but it was already two in the morning and without are bond I couldn't even go in her head to check if she was awake.

Man it was really weird to not have the bond with her anymore. After I woke up from getting shot and she told me I nearly screamed. I mean how was I going to protect her from the dark magic? She said it was her problem but come on when was it just her problem? I always protected her. It's all I new but from what I hear she's doing pretty good I just hope if she starts to get depressed like she use to she'll get back on her medication. Now I have to trust that she knows what she's doing since we know longer have the bond to confirm it.

"I'll just call her tomorrow." I finally decided and laid back down. My eyes finally started to get heavy and I slowly fell into a deep sleep. I think I actually missed people walking into my dreams. Now my dream were normally nightmares of everything that had happened but the one that I seem to have the most is me killing Victor. I know I forgave myself but those thoughts still haunt me.

The next morning I got discharged. I called Lissa to tell her and she was thrilled saying she'd pick me up from the airport. I said my goodbyes and got my stuff heading for the plane. I got on the plane and leaned back in my chair. "Freedom." I whisper. Sure it wasn't as bad as being in jail but honestly it wasn't any better. I just wanted to get back to my friends and have things get back to normal.

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