The guest arrival

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I hadn't escaped but less than an hour and I was already locked back up in another tiny room. "I'm getting real tired of this." I say leaning my head against the wall.

Robert walks in with a plate in his hand. "Sandwich?" He ask. I look at him questionably and want to make a snide remark but the growling of my stomach stops me and I take the sandwich.

"Don't forget the refreshment." He says handing me a water bottle. By the time the waters in my hand the sandwich is already gone.

After I down most of the water I wipe my face. "So what's up? It's not like you to actually feed me." I say and down the rest of the water.

"It's simple we are having guest and I want you presentable for the fun." He grins. "What guest?" I question. "You'll see. They will be here soon enough." He grabs the empty water bottle and the plate.

"What confuses me most is that I'm pretty sure this place is suppose to be feeled with guards." I say. "Oh it was. I took care of it." He gets ready to leave.

"By "take care of it" I assume you killed them?" I say "something like that." And then he shuts the door before I can say anything else.


We figured out were Robert had taken Rose and we were almost there. I was thankful to know where Rose was but Robert wanted us to know which made me cautious.

The group was Lissa,
Christina, guardian Hathaway, and Abe Mazur.

When we get to the abandon town there was know one in site but that didn't mean that there was know one here.

"Your highness you should wait here with your guardians." Says Hathaway. "I'm not waiting here and your not going to make me stay here for the same reason you couldn't make me stay home and that is because I'm queen and I will make my own choices. Now can we please go save my best friend?" Lissa snips.

"Of cores your highness." Agrees Hathaway. Abe comes back. "I see a place up ahead we can enter. We should go now." We all agree and move out.


I felt so weak and tired. I wanted to close my eyes but I didn't trust Robert. I quickly sat up. All the sudden my stomach began to twist and suddenly I was throwing up.

When I finish I wipe my mouth and lean agains the cold wall. "Great I finally get fed only to throw it all up." I fears that there mite be radiation in the town and it may be making me sick.

"I have to get out of here there's no telling what's going through the air in this town." I try to sit up but my legs buckle and I fall back down.

When I try to stand again the door swings open which startles me and cause me to fall back down. Robert walks in with a grin on his face.

"It seems are guest have arrived." He says. "Am I suppose to know who your talking about?" I say sarcastically. "You'll soon find out." He grins wider. "Fantastic." I mutter.

"Well let's go." Robert says gesturing for me to stand. "Go were?" I ask and refuse to move. "Either you stand yourself or I'll make you stand, you choose." He say.

I look at him then laugh. Nope not moving. "Fine." He say then kneels In front of me looking into my eyes. "You will stand and you will listen. Understand.

Suddenly I question why I didn't listen to him before and I begin to rise. "I will listen." I say. "Very good my pet compulsion does well on you. now let's go." He unchained me and then leaves with me fallowing behind.

We walk out side were its dark only a few lights showing the way and he has me sit on an old chair towards the middle of town. "No need to play hide and seek anymore. I've already found you so do come out!" Robert shouts.

Suddenly a group of people emerge from behind the trees. A smile comes across my face as I see Dimitri.

"Let her go Robert." Yells Abe. Robert begins to laugh. "You mean like how she let my brother go?" Robert mocks.

"You won't get out of this alive Robert. Give up now and we just might make it a quick death." Continues Abe.

"If I die so be it. As long as I complete what I set out to do first." Grins Robert. "There's five of us and one of you. You'll never win this." My mother says.

Robert laughs again. "Now we both know that's not true." Robert brings his fingers to his lips and makes a high pitched whistle.

Suddenly several men emerge from the dark but not just any men.... Strigoi. I can just barely make out there red eyes.

There's around eight of them surrounding us. "Now we may fight." Say Robert throwing his arm down to give the signal to attack.

Just like that the Strigoi take off after them. I try to move to help them but my arms are tide to the chair and I'm to weak to break free.

My head begin to throb and suddenly the women from before appears. "You must leave. He's watching you. He wants what you have." She says with fear in her eyes. "Robert already found me." I tell her.

She shakes her head. "Not him." Her sudden statement cause my heart to speed up. "What do you mean? Who's watching me?" I question. "You have to leave. Don't let him have it. Keep it safe." She says.

"What are you talking about I don't understand." Suddenly she disappears. "DAMIT!" I shout.

"I will get out of this." I say to myself. I close my eyes and take a breath and then with all my might I pull at the ropes. Finally they let lose and I shake them off.

I head straight for Dimitri. I pick up a rusted bar and chuck it at the Strigoi that is going for Dimitri. It quickly stop and wipes around to look at me.

"Hey it's me you want!" I shout. A few of the other Strigoi hear me and look my way. They begin to snarl and take off towards me. "No Rose!" Yells Dimitri.

I clinch my fist and prepare my self. I can hear Robert in the back round yell at them to kill the others first but I guess they choose to ignore that because they continue to come for.

My heart is pounding but I brace myself. There just about to pounce me when suddenly a bright burst of light and energy knock them back.

The light is strong and bright burning the Strigoi. It's almost impossible to see or understand what's happening. Suddenly the light fades and everything around me goes dark.

The last thing I hear before I hit the ground is Dimitri yelling and then everything's goes quiet.

(AN: There's the next chapter sorry it took so long to update just hadn't had the chance to finish it. Hope you enjoyed and please make sure to Rate and Comment what you think. Thank you to everyone reading and for all the awesome comments. Will have the next chapter up soon.)

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