I will find her

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"Rose time to wake up." I hear a man say. For some reason I feel as its my father and the sudden belief of that makes me happy but when I go to open my eyes the only one there is Robert and my sudden predicament comes back to me. Right Robert Kidnaped me and is planning to ruin my life then kill me.... How could I forget.

"Can't a girl rest or were you looking to whack me a few more time." I say with a sarcastic tone. "Such sarcasm to a man who could end your life at this very moment." A sudden burst of laughter escapes me which causes a confused look from him. "Something tells me if you were going to kill me that I would be dead already." I still laugh. Man I think I was going a little crazy myself.

"Listen hear, Just because I said I was going to wait to kill you doesn't mean I can't have a change of heart. So don't test me!" He yells causing my laughter to stop. He looks at me with a satisfied smile. "There, much better. Now I have some business to attend to so behave yourself while I'm gone." He says then begins to walk away.

"Wait, you're just going to leave me here!?" I shout at him. He says nothing and continues walking. "Hey! Hey answer me!" I yell louder but still he says nothing and continue to walk until he has left completely. "HEY!!" I scream and try to tug away from the chain. "Let me out!" I scream and continue to try and break free. When I run out of energy I stop and sit there now panting.

What is the point of this!? He just has me tied up in the same place. I suddenly feel like I'm in that prison cell all over again and the walls are closing in around me. I now wish my dad was here to save the day again honestly I even wish my mom were here. I look down at the ground with the urge to scream again but I don't.

Pull yourself together Hathaway. You have been through much worse than this and if you could get through a car accident, losing the man you love, and getting SHOT then you can handle this! I looked up and put on my game face. I am Rose Hathaway and I'll be damn if I go down without a fight. No I'm getting out of this!


It was now going on three days of no contact from Rose. I went to the wear house only to find another note from Robert this one more crazy than the last. He was playing some game of hide and seek but i feel that there's more to it. More that we just don't understand yet but I plan on figuring it out.

"Let me see the note again Belikov!" Abe Mazur shouts. "Of course." I say then hand him the two letters. Abe Mazur Rose's father came to help the moment he heard about Rose. Guardian Hathaway would be here too but she had a small detour on her way here but will probably be here in a few days.

After Mazur Read the note he pulled out his phone and quickly called someone. "I need you to call Herrick!.. Yes now! Does its sound like I mean later! Tell him to call me when you get a hold of him!" Mazur didn't even let the guy finish saying yes sir before he hung up. "I have some things to do but I will keep in touch and make sure to inform me if you hear from Rose." He say and then begins to walk.

And just like the guy on the phone Mazur is gone before I even get the chance to finish saying yes sir. Abe Mazur was a pretty intimidating man but the biggest reason for that was because he was the father of the woman I loved.

The Room was now filled with Guardian all trying to figure out were Robert might be. I felt this guilt on my shoulders that was growing heavier and heavier each second.... This is my fault. I shouldn't have just left Robert in that bush that night I should have found a way to bring him in because now he's out there with my Roza playing a game he will eventually grow tired of and when that happens.... No that will not happen! I will find her.


I woke up to the sound of a drizzle out side. The ground was cold and damp but I couldn't see much because it was to dark. I wasn't in the same place. Robert must have move me. The room I was in now was small and dark and smelled of rotten fruit. I sat up and almost fell back down but I was quick enough to put my hands down before my face hit the concrete.

"Ah. What the hell." I moan and then but my hand to my forehead. A mixture of wet and dry blood stains my forehead. "Great another reason to have a headache." I go to pull myself up again but this time slower. After I have master that I try to stand the first few time were unsuccessful but finally I'm on my feet. I try to make my way to the door but something quickly stops me. There are chains on my ankles that link me to the wall.

"Really?!" I say frustrated. I look around the room to see if there's a way out but all I see is a small window in the high right corner of the room and even If I could get to it it was to small and had bars on it. I let out a huff in anger. "There has to be a way out.

My legs began to get heavy and I slide down the wall and sit. I look out the small window and can see its raining. There's something oddly comforting in the sound of rain. My stomach suddenly makes a loud grumbling noise. I haven't eaten in days and I'm starving! "Robert!" I yell. No answer. "Robert!!" I yell louder. Suddenly the door flings open. "What do you want!?" I can't see his face only his silhouette but I can hear that he's angry.

"I know you have this hole plan on killing the people I love and then me but I think you'll find it kinda hard to do if I die from starvation first." I say. "Don't be so dramatic it's only been a few days and I've been giving you water which is actually much more important than food. Without water you'd die in a few days without food well, did you know some people have gone months without eating." I can hear him let out a small laugh.

"So what? you're not going to let me eat!?" I say in terror. "We shall see. It all depends on your behavior. Be good and you'll be rewarded." He then begins to shut the door. "What am I a dog!? Hey wait!" I yell but it's to late Robert has already shut the door. "Let me out of here!!" I scream.

I swear to this now, when I get out of here and I will get out! I am going to kill Robert!

Suddenly the room seems to be moving and there is muffled sounds coming from all corners of the room. I back in closer to the wall my heart now bounding in my chest. No! It can't be! Lissa and I's bond was gone I shouldn't be able to see ghost anymore.

They were all talking at once and it was almost impossible to understand them. "One at a time! I can't understand you!" I yell. Suddenly the room goes silent but I can still see the shadows dancing around the room so I know they're still there. "Rocks.." One whispers. "What?" I asked confused. "Use... The rocks." It struggles to say. "What rock?" Ghost make know fricken since.

"Around you." It says then the ghost disappear. It suddenly dawns on me and I look around. It's still hard to see so I use my hands to feel around. I find I pretty good sized rock and pick it up. "I hope this works." I say then raise the rock and bash it into the chains. The chains are old but even so they don't break at first.

I begin putting more force into it. My arms are tired and my hands are sore but I refuse to stop and finally the chain begins to break first the right side and soon the left side too. I let out a sigh of relief. "Thank god." I whisper. My body is tired but I force it to get up. I move to the door and stare at the door nob. "No it would be to easy." I say to myself

I go to open the door. Locked. Of corse. "Great!" I say brushing my finger through my hair and walking back to the wall. I hear a click from behind me and slowly turn around to see the door is now opened. "No way." I say astonished. I cautiously walk to the door then make a quick movement to check out side but nobody's there.

I see a dark shadow at the end of the hallway and it points to its left then disappears. "So I guess I'm working with ghost now." But that was even what scared me most. What scared me most was that they were now talking to me. It was almost impossible for Mason to say those few words and now this.

I pushed my fears aside. What I need to do now is escape. Any fears I have will only get in the way of that. I'll deal with those later. After I find Robert and finish this. And with those decided thought I went in the direction the ghost told me to.

(AN: Sorry for taking so long to update I just haven't had time to finish the chapter but will be faster in the future. Hope you enjoyed. Remember to Like and Comment telling me what you think.)

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