Chapter two

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I fell a sleep writing sorry!

"Come on Scotty just one more" Mitch slurred falling into my arms causing me to loose balance and topple to the floor with him on top of me. We burst into a fit of giggles. Wait what's so funny?

"Scott,Mitch!" I heard someone.

"Whose that?" I ask trying to find the voice while climbing to my feet.

"It's Avi-ously Avi" Mitch laughed at his pun. Avi. Avi? Avi!

"Wow you guys are drunk. Come on I'll take you to Mitch's apartment" he said grabbing my wrist. I grabbed Mitch's hand then we made our way out of the party like kindergardeners. Kirstie was passed out in the back of Avis Dodge charger her hair one straight now a disheveled mess.

"Sorry guys one of you is gonna have to sit on each others lap" he said getting into the drivers seat. Mitch jumped into my arms flailing his legs chanting "carry the queen!". I sat down in the seat with Mitch in my lap.


Food is love

Food is life.

"Food!" I yell as we pass a McDonald's.

"No." Avi shakes his head. I scrunch my nose and glare a him.

"Square." I chant over and over. Mitch joins along laughing like a hyena.

"If you guys don't shut up I'm gonna rip your testicles off and sew them onto your foreheads" Kirstie growled from the back seat. Mitch and I shot each other looks before closing our mouths. Mitch curled his legs up and draped his arms around my neck and laid his head on my chest. I felt myself growing tired as well my eye lids slowly dropping before I fell into a deep sleep.


My head hurts.

My stomach hurts.

Everything hurts.

I opened my eyes and let them adjust to the darkness.

Wait this isn't my room or my bed. I look around the room and gasp when I see Mitch under the covers curled into a ball snoring softly into his pillow.

Oh shit I'm gonna be sick.

I ran out of bed towards the bathroom dropping to my knees before emptying the contents of my stomach.

"You okay?" Mitch's voice fills the room.

"Here" he hands me a cup of blue liquid that smells like mint.

Mouth wash

I rinse my mouth and thank him before splashing cold water on my face.

"How drunk was I?" I asked turning to face him. He was still fully clothed in his party clothes he looked like death.

"We were drunk" he put emphasis on the word drunk. I can't remember anything past us dancing on the kitchen counter.

"How much do you remember? I asked as we walked into his kitchen.

"All of it. Here take these" he handed me two pills and a bottle of water.

"It's Tylenol" I took them then chugged the whole bottle of water.

"Why aren't you sick?" I asked laying on his couch.

"I'm not a lightweight" he laughed picking my head up then sat down placing it in his lap.

"Oh shut up. How bad did I embarrass myself?" I asked closing my eyes as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"Well hmm it was pretty funny when you twerked all over Avi. Ooo also when you sang the Hannah Montana theme song while dancing on a table top" I felt my face grow hot as I threw my hands over my face groaning.

"Relax Scotty boy it was funny." he laughed.

"How did I end up in your bed?" I asked looking up at him.

"Avi carried you"

"Oh okay"


"Scooter come on! Mommy is not going to miss out on this sale!" Mitch laughed while skipping through the crowds of people. I mutter "sorries" as I weave my way through what seems like millions of people just to catch up to Mitch. By the time I make it to the store I'm out of breath and alone.

"Babe! You are getting this shirt!" I heard his high pitched voice squeal from a couple isles over. I laughed and shook my head before going and finding him.

I stare at the yellow polka dotted button up with disgust.

"Just try it on" he demands placing the shirt in my hands. I sigh then continue to follow him through out the store holding random items of clothing that he throws at me.

"Um Maria? This stack is almost as tall as me can we go try them on?" I ask trying my best to stay balanced.

"Yeah! I really wanna see if that button up looks good on you" he smiles then heads for the fitting room.

"Uh Mitch how are we paying for this?" I ask over the fitting room stall.

"I've got it"

"I can't ask you to pay for my clothes" I protest.

"Scott I'm rich just try the damn shit on" I sighed in defeat then shrugged the yellow button up on. It looked good like really good on me. I paired it with a pair of dark washed skinny jeans then stepped out of the stall.

Mitch was checking himself out he looked stunning. He had on a black and pink floral button down with black skinny jeans that had studs all over the back pockets making his ass look amazing.

"You should get that outfit" he whirled around and his eyes nearly popped out of his head when he saw me.

"Only if you get that one" he pointed a finger at me.

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