Chapter 5

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Chris' house looked the same as it was years back. Nash was successful in getting me to wear a knee-length black dress. She styled my hair and did my makeup and in return, I helped her fetch stuff as a help to do her own. I wasn't good at doing makeup and hairstyles because I hadn't bothered with any of it previously. 

"You have to learn them now, Steph. You will be attending most of the parties from now on", Nash said winking at me.

I was not comfortable coming over to Chris' home. It brought up too many good memories which makes it hard for me to accept the present; we are not as close as we were before. He felt it too, I could say by the way he welcomed me inside. The loud music, drinking, people dancing was all new to me. Nash left my side to fetch us drinks, leaving me and Chris to stand there awkwardly. His forehead crinkled as if he was thinking very hard while I studied the place.

"So how have you been?", he asked.

"I am good. What about you?"

"Me too"

And that was the end of our talk. I was plotting a plan in my mind to avoid this awkwardness when Matt slung his arm around my shoulder.

"You came. Good. Let's get you a drink", he said and dragged me away from Chris. I thanked Matt in my mind as he led me to the drinks' place.

"Coke or Beer?", he asked.

"Water would be fine",I replied not wanting to get drunk.

He shook his head and passed me a cup of beer and took the coke bottle for himself. 

"I'm not getting drunk. I'm going to drive you home", he said when he caught me staring.

"What if I said I don't drink?", I asked challengingly.

"Well then, the cup in your hand is going to be your first drink", he replied smirking.

"Are you sure you don't want to drink? I can drive you home instead", I asked.

"I'm dropping you home. That is final"

We stood there in silence and looked at everyone around us. A girl approached us walking unsteadily, clearly drunk. She had a flirtatious smile as she ran her hands across his chest. Matt placed his bottle down and stopped her wandering hands. 

"Hey Matty, I was wondering if you are free", she slurred.

He visibly cringed at the nickname and immediately replaced it with a smirk as he told her," Yeah I am" and kissed her. Before I witnessed things go further, I spoke.

"I'll see you later then", I said and walked off not even sure if he heard me.

"Stephy, come on let's dance. I love this song", Nash said as she snatched my beer away and dragged me to the living room where everyone danced. I copied her moves as the song played. I grabbed a beer bottle from the kitchen and joined Nash again. Three songs later, I was exhausted and drunk. Soon enough, Nash was out of my sight and I pulled myself out of the crowd of sweaty people. 

I plopped down when I reached the garden and gazed up at the sky, admiring the stars when I heard noises. 

"Matty, why won't you let me?", the annoying voice whined.

"Because, I said so. And please do not call me that again, it sucks. Do you mind getting off me? I have somewhere else to be", Matt said brushing her off of his lap and began to walk away.

"Ditching me for that bitch?", she asked with a tone of anger.

"That is none of your business", he said as politely as he could.

When he caught me looking, I tried to look away pretending I didn't see or hear anything.

"Why is the princess away from her palace?", he asked as he sat beside me.

"Palace? What palace?", I asked confused.

"I meant the party", he said lamely.

"That is so lame"

"I know", he replied cheekily.

"So what are you doing out here?", he asked

"I needed some fresh air"

"How long do you want to stay?"

"I am-", my phone ringing cut me off.

The caller ID read "Becca". I smiled as I picked the call.

"Hey babygirl! I miss you so much", she giggled.

I laughed as I spoke, "Are you drunk?"

"Nope. Okay, maybe a little", after a tiny pause, "Fine, I'm wasted"

I observed Matt smiling widely as he saw me conversing with Becca over the phone. I gave him a questioning look to which he responded by shaking his head.

"So, I called to make a confession", Becca said excitedly.

Her meaning of 'confession' is either finding someone cute or having a crush. 

"Who is it?", I asked curiously.

"There's this guy named Josh and he's hella cute. I'll send you his pic"

"You've talked to him yet?", I asked.

"We danced together tonight. He got a call and went a few minutes back"

"Be careful with this Josh guy", I said in a serious tone.

"Don't you worry, mother! I will be all fine", she giggled.

I turned to look at Matt still sitting and staring at the sky lost in his thoughts.

"Okay Beccs, I'll call you later", I said.

"Love you Stephs, bye", she said before I hanged up.

"So, that was Becca huh?", he asked still looking at the sky. 

"Yeah", I sighed.

"Missing her too much?", he asked looking at me with a smirk.

"Not too much", I lied.

"Just admit it Stephanie Summers", he grinned.

"I do miss her, but I can live"

He gave me a knowing smile and dropped the topic.

The ride back home was comfortable. The radio played a one direction song as I hummed the tune softly.

"We've reached the destination", he said when he stopped the car in front of my house.

"Thank you. I had fun tonight", 

"Don't thank me yet", he said with mischief dancing in his eyes.

I nodded and got out of the car as he spoke again, 

"Don't forget to do your homework. Otherwise, meet me at detention".

I smiled as he drove off. 

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