Chapter 3:

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Chapter 3:

Every morning at Hogwarts I had always woken up in my bed in my dormitory. When I opened my eyes I was greeted with familiar curtains and bed posts. Several things were different though. The robes on the floor didn't belong to any of my roommates. The snores that filled the room weren't like the quieter ones I was used to, instead they were loud. The biggest difference, I think, was the fact that a muscular arm was wrapped tightly around my waist.

I turned to see Sirius' gorgeous face. He looked so peaceful with his eyes shut. A hint of a smile was on his lips. I thought about leaving for a moment. I couldn't, though, for two reasons. One, his arm was holding me into place. Two, I couldn't leave him. I didn't have a reason as to why I couldn't leave, but surely there was a good one.

Snuggling into his side, I relished in his warmth. My hand ran over his abs. Glancing underneath the covers I was slightly surprised to see that he still wore his boxers as I had my lace undergarments underneath his button up shirt. He must have slipped the shirt on me after I had fallen asleep.

We didn't sleep together. Well we did in the technical sense. We didn't do anything besides sleep. We had come up here with other plans though. Instead, after getting almost completely unclothed, we just sat here and talked. It was strange really. Something that I know Sirius has never done before.

I kissed him on the lips. “Wake up.”

He moaned in his sleep.

Nipping at his neck, I urged him to wake up again. He began to stir with each tender bite.

“What a way to wake up,” he opens his eyes slightly to see me leaning over him.

“I wanted to tell you bye before I left,” I whispered to him, careful not to wake the others.

Sirius' arms wrapped tightly around me. “Why are you leaving?”

“I have to get back to my dorm before they notice I'm gone,” I tell him, biting my lip. The real reason was that I figured he would have kicked me out by now or told me to forget everything. I wanted to wake him up so that I could have just gotten it over now instead of waiting until we were in public, less public humiliation that way.

“Everyone knows you came up with me,” he sighs. “Besides, the guys don't care if you're here.”

“Then the real question is do you want me to stay?” I closed my eyes, waiting for his response.

I feel his hand run through my hair, hitting a few knots as his fingers went through it. I always had the worst case of bed head. “I do,” he whispers as if he's unsure of himself. Then he repeats the answer, this time it doesn't sound as if it's a question.

My eyes widen. “Who are you and what have you done with the real Sirius Black?”

He flips us over to where he is hovering over me. That blood smirk on his face as he looks down at me. “Oh, he's still there, sweetheart, he just has his eyes on the prize.”

I wrap my arms around his neck. “So I'm a prize to be won?”

“No, you're a prize to be taken,” he grins. “After all I am a Marauder.”

I giggle. “Kiss me.”

As he starts to lean in, we are interrupted. “That is the most disgusting thing. I don't want to wake up to that in the mornings,” James groans.

I pull the covers over my head. “Just kill me now.”

“Marley?” came Remus' voice across the room. “I thought I saw you come up here last night, but Sirius had the curtains closed so I couldn't really tell.”

“Please, put clothes on!” Peter squeaked causing the others to laugh. I smack Sirius on the arm, glaring at him for laughing.

“We are clothed!” I tell them.

“Your undies don't count, Mckinnon!” James says.

“Wipe that grin off your face, Potter,” I tell him, picturing that grin in my mind. “I have Sirius' shirt on too so I'm decent.”

“As decent as a Muggle porn,” Sirius mutters.

I glare at him. “You aren't helping.”

“That's cause you woke me up,” he says, closing his eyes as if he's about to fall back asleep.

With a sigh, I lay back against him. The rest of the dorm grows quiet. We all lay there, in bed, in compete silence. It's strange really. Whenever the Marauders were together, there was never a quiet moment.

Breakfast was a different ordeal. Everyone was whispering about what happened between Sirius and I. It was the latest Hogwarts scandal, according to Rita Skeeter- an annoying bug of a Hufflepuff that was in her fourth year. She was always spreading the wildest rumors about everyone- professors included.

Lily and I were halfway done eating when the Marauders joined us. Sirius slung his arm over my shoulders while James slung his over Lily's. They both had obnoxious grins slapped on their faces. I knocked Sirius' hand away as he tried to steal a piece of bacon from me.

“Oh, come on,” he begs with that puppy look of his.

“Nope, my food, get your own.” I tell him. “Now get off me.”

 “Why, sweetheart? Why don't we give them something to talk about?” he winks at me as he kissed my cheek.  

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