Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

One thing Sirius Black hated was labels. To him, I wasn't his girlfriend or lover I was simply Marlene Mckinnon This no label thing was frustrating me to no end. I didn't want to be just Marlene, I wanted to have a claim on him. I wanted to have the right to bitch out whoever made a move on him.

Lily thinks that it's ridiculous of me to expect any sort of commitment out of him. He's Sirius Black, after all, notorious for sleeping around. In the week and a half since we had started whatever this is, he hadn't once made a move on anyone else.

I spent every night in his bed, minus the nights of full moons. The nights that he was off galavanting through the Forbidden Forest were lonely for me, I'd easily grown accustomed to having his body heat to keep me warm at night. We hadn't actually had sex yet, something that surprised Lily and the rest of the Marauders. Sirius and I had been known for sleeping around. The thought of us being celibate drove them insane.

“Marlene,” Sirius kissed my forehead in greeting as he and James strolled into class late.

“So nice of you to join us, Mr. Potter, Mr. Black.” Professor McGonagal said to the boys. She glared at them as they took their seats in front of Lily and I.

“Ahhh, Minnie,” Sirius grins at her. “Lovely to see your smiling face.”

I couldn't suppress my laughter. Only that daft idiot would hit on her when she was clearly not amused. It's no wonder he spent most of his free time in detention.

“If only you spent more time casting charms rather than saying them then perhaps you would be passing this class.” she responded cooly.

That was a lie, everyone knew it. Miraculously all four of the Marauders were passing every class with high marks. Granted it was mostly due to Remus and Lily helping them. James and Sirius hardly ever showed up to class, most of the time they had no idea what we were studying.

Sirius turned to me in the middle of class. “Let's skip Slughorn's.”

I leaned forward. “Oh but potions is so much fun.” Sarcasm dripped from each word.

“I can think of a few more things that would be like more fun.” He eyes me up and down, taking in the small amount of cleavage that was showing through my top.

“What do you have in mind?” I asked, thinking about some alone time in his dorm together.

“We could go down to the Three Broomsticks,” he said with a smirk, knowing exactly what I was really thinking. “Have a butterbeer or two.”

“As Head Girl, I really should report the two of you.” Lily said, joining our conversation.

“But you won't,” I told her. “You wouldn't want your best friend to be expelled.”

“Sometimes I think you are her only friend, Marley.” Sirius teased.

James rolled his eyes. “Leave Evans alone, Padfoot. I'll make sure she doesn't report either of you while you two find a broomstick cupboard.”

Our conversation was then interrupted by McGonagal giving us a stern look. We went back to pretending to pay attention to her class. It didn't take long before I was bored. Charms was my least favorite subject. I would rather have double Potions than have a single class of Charms. With a smirk, I stretched out my leg, rubbing Sirius' side.

Quickly he grabbed my foot. “I'm trying to pay attention to class.”

“Bull shit,” I said, breaking free of his grasp.

I continued to rub his side. The muscles flexed underneath my touch. He was quite built from playing Quidditch. Both he and James were Beaters on the team. After James grew bored of being a Seeker, I stepped up to fill his plate. If all continued to go well, we would win the Quidditch Cup this year.

As soon as class ended, Sirius and I ran all the way to the dorm room. A few younger Gryffindors were in the common room. They stared at us as we rushed up the stairs of the boys dormitory. In the Marauders' room, Peter was lounged out on his bed snacking away at a few of his favorite treats.

“Get out,” Sirius ordered him.

“Well hello to you too,” Peter scoffed. “Hi, Marlene. Nice weather we are having today, isn't it?”

That little bastard knew that we wanted alone time. He was stalling to mess with Sirius. Peter was getting back at him for interrupting his time with Dorcas Meadows last night.

“Seriously, Peter, get out please.” I moaned in frustration.

“All right, all right. You two owe me though. I expect some chocolate frogs. I'd heard they added some new cards.” Peter said on his way out of the room.

“Finally we are alone,” Sirius said, pulling me roughly to him.

I wrapped my arms around his neck. “About damn time. That little shit should've scurried out of here faster.”

He chuckles. “You have quite the mouth on you. Do you kiss your mum with that mouth?”

I rubbed my body against his, enjoying the friction. His hardness pressed into me, causing me to moan. “No, I kiss you with that mouth.”

“Damn straight,” he replies attacking my lips with his.

Sirius lifted me up, forcing me to wrap my legs around his waist. I worked on undoing his tie and shirt as he carried me towards the bed. Shaking with anticipation, my hands had trouble unbuttoning his shirt. He laid me on the bed, his hands running over my dressed body.

“You are gorgeous,” he said as he began to unbutton my shirt.

“Sirius,” came a voice into the room.

Both of us groaned, not breaking away from one another. “What do you want, Prongs?” Sirius snapped out of sexual frustration.

 “It's Remus,” came the sad reply.  

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2015 ⏰

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