7. At Toni's

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Cheryl was holding onto Toni like her life depended on it . She was absolutely horrified. They had to stop at a red light and Toni told her to take some deep breaths and relax a little. The light turned green again and off they went. This time Cheryl focused on the wind and the way she was sat against Toni. Somehow it made her feel good. The girls reached a fairly big apartment and got off the bike. Cheryl still couldn't walk so Toni helped her inside. The first thing she noticed was how everything was mostly grey and white. It was very well decorated and there were a lot of pictures and quotes in frames. "Wow , you live here all by yourself?" She asked while being helped on the couch. "Yup , it's just me. Hold on I'm gonna get you some ice . Make yourself at home." She said while walking to the kitchen. The redhead watched as she walked away. Everything was so neat and tidy. Not a speck of dust to be found anywhere. It was bright in there because the windows were pretty big. She also had some plants around the room. And this couch was super  comfortable too. Toni quickly came back with an ice pack and put Cheryl's foot on a pillow carefully. "Oh my god that's cold" The girl said as the ice pack was being placed on her foot. They both chuckled after that statement. "Well duh, it's ice. Ice ice baby" she almost whispered the last part but it was heard and they chuckled again. "Your apartment is really nice " She said without making any sort of eye contact. The statement made Toni smile. "Thanks , I did almost everything by myself" She said while looking around. "I'm glad you like it because that means I did a good job right ?" They agreed on her answer. Some time went by and the girls were now giggling and just talking about random stuff. They were having a lot of fun but then Cheryl's face expression changed. She saw the time on a clock in Toni's kitchen. Her face saddened immediately. "Hey , are you okay ? Did I say something wrong ?" The pink haired girl asked concerned. She didn't like seeing Cheryl sad . She didn't like it one bit. "No no , god no . It's my mother. She'd literally kill me if she found out I skipped the rest of the day and I can't go back while my ankle is this messed up. I can already picture what she's gonna say. "Bla bla bla excuses to get out of school bla bla you're overreacting bla bla you're fine" A deep sigh escaped the redhead's lips. "That's awful , can't you just tell her you're staying here with me ?" " you mean like spend the night too ?" Cheryl questioned. "Well I mean yeah , unless you don't want to" the girl looked up at Toni with a bright smile. "Of course I want to , I'll just tell her i'm working on a project" She wouldn't let me if it wasn't school related. Heck , if she even knew half of the story she'd still punish me . "I'll just call her really quick" Toni took that as her que to leave and went into her room. Cheryl dialed her mothers number on her phone and waited. "Cheryl." The other Blossom spoke without any sort of emotion. "Hello mumsy, The reason I called you is to inform you that I won't be coming home today. I will be spending the night at a friends house. We have a project to finish and It needs to be done today. " wow that lie came out much easier than she had thought. "I see , but don't let it happen again and I want you to head straight home after school tomorrow. Understood ?" She could hear the annoyance in her voice . Penelope was not happy. "Yes mother" another sigh escaped her lips. "Good" then the call ended. Cheryl rolled her eyes and dropped her head. Toni who now was changed into a baggy t-shirt and carrying some blankets and pillows walked back in. "Everything alright?" Toni asked. "Yeah , it's fine. Whoa that's a lot of blankets and pillows." She looked at all of it , she could barely see Toni. "Yea , I was thinking of watching a movie. Are you up for that ?" Hell yeah , of course she was. It was a reason for her to get closer to Toni. A horror movie would be perfect. "Sure , can we watch something scary ?" The serpent nodded her head and sat down next to Cheryl after making sure they were comfy. "Any suggestions ?" Cheryl didn't watch horror movies, she had no idea. "Umm , no you should choose" she replied smiling. While looking looking back at the screen she saw a small smirk out of the corner of her eye. Toni made sure to choose one of the scariest movies on netflix. "Is this one okay." The girl asked acting innocent. She knew damn well that one was really scary. "Yeah of course" Truth is , just from the cover alone Cheryl knew she was gonna be scared as hell. A couple minutes into the movie there was a jumps are and the redhead cover her eyes shaking a little bit. Toni paused the movie. "Are you sure this one is okay ?" She felt kinda bad. "Yep this one is perfectly fine" The movie started playing again and Toni moved closer wrapping her arms around Cheryl. The other girl leaned into her. They stayed like that until the end. " See , that wasn't too bad " Cheryl said trying to act brave. " You were scared shitless Cheryl " Toni said laughing. Cheryl had to laugh too " Okay maybe I was a little bit scared. The laughter died down and both girls yawned at the same time. This earned giggles from them both. "Hey I'm pretty tired" "Me too , not gonna lie. I'll just make the bed for you now and then pass out" " Wait , I can't sleep in your bed. It's yours , you should sleep in it" "Yeah but you're my guest which means you get to be the most comfortable." "I'm not letting you sleep on the couch" Toni looked away licking her bottom lip slightly. "Okay , Let's share the bed then..."
Oof idk why this took so long.
I got demotivated and no one reminded me to update.
But I looked at this in the morning and saw that a lot more people were reading this piece of trash so I decided to update again lol.
So here it is hehe plz remind me to update if I become lazy again.
Word count : 1124

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