Chapter 1: School Violence

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"Fight! Fight! Fight!" the call rang out across the cafeteria. Everyone gathered around to watch the ensuing violence; most had their phones out, recording the scene. I stood, taking my food to the far wall to finish my meal. There was no way I was going to let a fight interfere with Chili and cinnamon roll day.

Fights were common in my school. We weren't inner city, but you couldn't convince our local gangs of that. I live in a relatively small Midwestern town. We have exactly one high school with almost 1,500 students. The town itself boasted nearly 20,000 people and three gangs.

The two boys fighting at the moment had decided that they didn't like the color the other was wearing. That seemed to be a big issue with gang members. I guess they're just really passionate about gangland fashion.

I am brought out of my reverie when the call to battle turns into screams of terror. Apparently someone had been able to sneak a weapon in to school, despite the metal detectors at every door. Well, that's my cue. I look to the nearest exit judging my chances of making it out with the remainder of my lunch when in walks the 'peacemaker'.

Joshua Manfred was not the biggest guy in school, not by a long shot, nor was he the strongest. Yet, somehow, he had still managed to earn the title of Peacemaker. I decided to stay. If Joshua was here, the fight was over.

I took a bite of my cinnamon roll as I watched the crowd part, letting Joshua through. The two guys stopped taking swings at each other and turned to face him.

"Whatcha gunna do, big man." Blake Royden stepped up to Joshua and flung his arms out, like a rooster issuing a challenge to another chicken.

I laughed at the thought. They really did look like my dad's roosters facing off.

Both fighters were flapping their arms and puffing out their chests trying to get a rise out of Joshua. It never worked, but they always tried.

"I am going to stop this fight before someone gets hurt." He replied calmly. He had the self control of a statue. He stood un-moving with that dangerous smile on his face. That swoon-worthy smile.

Joshua was as sexy as he was unreachable. Many a young girl, and a few boys, had flung themselves at him only to be politely turned away. Eventually they all stopped trying, resigning themselves to stare dreamily at him when they were suppose to be working. I, myself, had been guilty of such. I mean, how could you not? He had long dark hair that fell around his face in loose curls, dark piercing eyes and a smile that made butterflies explode in the stomach of anyone who saw it. I'm pretty sure even a few of the teachers had a crush on the guy.

Ryder Smith, fighter number two, finally got tired of Joshua's unflappable demeanor and threw a fist toward his face. And here was the reason he had earned the title peacemaker.

Joshua had Ryder in an arm lock in an instant, while simultaneously dodging the blade Blake had created from a marker casing.

Blake changed tactics, since Joshua had Ryder immobilized and went for Ryder with his next blow. But Joshua was smart and quick, shoving Ryder out of the way taking the blow in his own side instead and blood began to seep from the wound. He grabbed Blake's arm as he threw a punch and tossed him to the ground. He pulled Blake's arm back, putting a foot on him to keep him down.

Joshua now had to fight Ryder one handed, but it didn't seem to make much difference and soon Ryder was on his knees with his arm twisted up behind him. Joshua had not thrown even one punch the entire fight. He never did but he always won.

"Now apologize." Joshua said in his deep admonitory voice. It was not a voice to ignore.

"Fuck you!" Ryder spat.

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