Chapter 5: Nicolas Santiago

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He walks toward me. I say walk, but its more like a prowl. Sleek, graceful movements of a guy practiced in the art of seduction. Seriously, what the hell? Why all of a sudden am I getting attention from people? Boy people!

"Maggie, right?" He holds out his hand, a smolder on his lips that  rivals Joshua's. His accent isn't the same as most of the Latin-Americans who live here. Who is this guy?

I suddenly realize I've been staring at him with my mouth gaping open and I close it. I don't trust my mouth to make proper words so I just nod staring deep into those brown eyes. He takes my hand, brushing the back of it ever so gently with his lips.

I think I've wandered off and dropped through a portal to an alternate universe or something. First Joshua, now this guy? I mean, given, Joshua acts like that with most girls which is probably why they throw themselves at him and also how he earned a bit of a playboy reputation. But thatdoesn't explain this guy.

"You are more beautiful than I remember."

"I what?—remember?I'm sorry, uh, wh—who are you?" I stumble over my words, but at least they are words and not gibberish...

"Nicolas Santiago. I graduated last year. Came back to visit some old friends and thought I would finally work up the courage to speak with the most beautiful girl in Cedar Creek."

Okay, now I know he's lying. No one talks like that without having ulterior motives. What does this guy want? I take back my hand and try to step around him to my car's door. He moves to block me.

"Please, let me take you to dinner. I will not take no for an answer."

"I have plans tonight besides its a school night. Thanks anyway, see ya." I step to the other side, he blocks me again.

"This weekend,then." He puts his hands on either side of me, pinning me against my own car. Man, he smells amazing.

He brushes my cheek with his fingertips as he speaks softly in my ear. "Please."

My traitorous heartbeats thunderously in my chest causing blood to rush deafeningly through my ears. I try to hide my face but he moves his hand to my chin, pulling my face up to look into his eyes. "I-I-I-" Error,brain.exe has crashed.

He smiles, his lips so close to mine I can almost feel them brush against me when he speaks."I will pick you up at eight o'clock, Friday. Until then,Magnolia." He kisses my hand again before walking away.

I'm pretty sure I stood there repeating "I-I-I" for another five minutes before Aria showed up.

"Girl, what's wrong with you. Earth to Maggie." She said, waving her hand in front of my face. I blinked at her waiting for my brain to reboot.

"I-I-" It obviously still has some bugs. "I think I have a date."

I drove back to my house to splash some cold water on my face and process what just happened before I go face Joshua. I stand in front of the mirror, staring into my dull blue eyes.

Why would a smarmy guy like that have to work up the courage to talk to me? I mean, I'm me!Not that I'm hideous or anything but I don't really dress up or wear much makeup. He just doesn't seem to be the kind of guy that would like a girl like me. Raquel, the local fashionista, seems more his style.

I glance at my phone, crap, Joshua is going to think I bailed on him. I dry my face and grab a couple of Dr. Pepper's from the fridge before heading out the door.

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