Chapter 8: Cat fight

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Monday morning I drag myself out of bed and manage to get to school just before the first bell. Joshua is waiting for me at my locker and I smile at him, but it turns into a wide yawn.

"Not a morning person, I take it?"

"Not even remotely." I start to spin my combination into my lock and have to re-start it three times because my tired fingers fumble the dial. I finally get it open and rest my head on the small shelf inside.

"Can I just skip first period and sleep here?" I mumble.

Joshua laughs. "Probably not a good idea. Sleeping like that will hurt your neck." He pulls my head back and wraps me in his arms, leaning it against his chest. Well, I'm awake now.

I try to stay as relaxed as possible so he won't notice the effect he has on me. He reaches behind me with one hand while keeping the other around my back and grabs my books from my locker.

"Come on, I'll walk you to class."

Math. Ugh. I try to stay awake as the teacher drones on about polynomials and other mathy words. My head starts to droop when I feel something poking me in the back. Glancing behind me I see Blondy. Oh, yeah. She's in my math class too. I struggle to recall her name as she whispers angrily.

"I saw you with Josh. You need to back off. He's only being nice to you because he feels sorry for you so don't get any ideas about him."

Vanessa? Varenyky? No, that's food. Man, that sounds good. I wonder if we have the stuff for it at home.

"Did you hear me, bitch?"

Veronica. That's her name! Oh, she was trying to talk to me. I turn to ask her to repeat her question when Mr. Wallace shouts at me.

"Miss Page, there will be no talking in my class. Or sleeping. I will see you in detention."

"But I didn't-"


I let out a huff of air and sit back in my seat as Veronica laughs.

"And you will join her, Miss Reynolds." He says as he turns back to the whiteboard.

I feel Veronica kick my chair as she whispers "Bitch."

This is your fault dumbass.

Now here I sit, locked in a room with Veronica and other degenerates. Mr. Mendez is suppose to be keeping an eye on us, but he is currently leaned back in his chair, snoring. I take out my book to start reading when Veronica comes and sits on my desk. I try to ignore her but she snatches my book away tossing it across the room.

"Hey!"I shout as it flies against the wall. That is no way to treat a book!  I stare at her horrified.

"I saw you cuddling up to my man. You better back off."

"Your man? Who?" I didn't remember cuddling up to someone, except Joshua....oooh. I laugh.

Veronica grabs my hair, jerking my head back. "Are you listening to me, bitch?"

There were several 'oooooh shit's and 'daaaamn's coming from our audience. They want a show? Okay. I smile, balling my hand into a fist.

It connects solidly with Veronica's head. She lets go of my hair and screams.

"You fucking whore!" She shouts as she lunges at me. I roll out of my desk and back up, tripping over the desk in the next row. Woops and hollers erupt from the other side of the room. I look over to the teacher, hoping he will intervene but all I see is him slipping out the door.

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