The Guinea Pig

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Suddenly I could see again, I was standing, but still I felt like I was subconsciously falling. I looked around, I was at my old preschool, I remembered this day, I had been blamed for  releasing the class pet guinea pig, it had felt wrong to watch it run in circles ever day. It could have such a future in the outside world. At least that was what my five year old self had thought. I hadn't been the one to let it go though, that I knew.

I glanced around and wondered what this was, the future? A vision? I'd herd of peoples live's flashing before their eyes, but this wasn't flashing or anything, it was like I as back in time. 

"I'm so sorry Mrs. Burke, he didn't know what he was doing." said a familiar voice, I spun around. And saw myself.

OK. It wasn't current day me, it was five year old me, cowering behind my mom, who was addressing a stout woman, her caramel hair fell, strait as a ruler, down her back. Her cheeks were dotted with red and her arms were crossed, her small nose turned upward. 

"Well you really ought to teach your son to follow the rules." She had a voice that was sweet but quickly turned sour. She had a slight British accent, which made her even more menacing. 

"Not only he he release the class pet, he also did it during lunch, while he was supposed to be outside."

"I know Mrs. Burke, I'll make sure he knows what he did wrong and I'll -I'll..." I felt terrible, hearing the way my mom had to plead with the teacher, knowing it was all my fault. 

Suddenly the world seemed to spin and I saw a different scene, it looked like the same day, I could still seem my mom, but she was all the way on the other side of the parking lot. I looked down and saw a young girl, who looked about five sitting on the curb. She was wearing an off the shoulder shirt with an owl on it and knee length jean shorts. Her honeycomb yellow hair was tided back in a loose ponytail, her curls bounced when she moved. She had a bandaid across her nose, giving her a rebellious look. She fidgeted with her backpack straps nervously. 

She looked up at me and smiled, she had a tooth that was only halfway grown in, "Hello." 

"Hi." I said, like an idiot, and sat down next to her. I looked up at the sky and wondered what the heck was going on.

"Your Percy Jackson." Said the girl, her voice sounded vaguely familiar. 

I looked over at her, she had startling gray eyes that I knew would catch me if I lied. 

"Yeah." I said, "What's your name."

The girl just smiled her crooked smile. Then she pulled a small blue bag from her pocket and handed it to me. 

I took the bag and opened it, blue jellybeans. I looked back up at the girl and was about to say something, when she leaned in.

"I let the guinea pig go." she whispers in my ear, then leans back, an mischievous grin on her face, then the world goes black.


Hey pomegranate seeds!

Hope you enjoyed the first (real) chapter, if you want Percy to remember/see any specific characters just tell me and I'll try to make a flashback with them, or if you have a headconnmon I can use or you want me to use, feel free to tell me ! (I need more ideas)

Don't die.

-The Pomegranate King

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