sowwy tha chapers so short !!!! uwu i jus started righting again !!!!!1!1!
stev and noob sat in tha cave togenthr,,, nob make sure not to evn LOOKM AT STENV becus he does not gay. he turn to stove an say 'we need to go to minecraft world!!!1!1 endergod will DESTROY ur home an them u go oof!!!! and DIE1!1!!' AND. I AM NO GAY BUT I WIL CRIED IF U DEATH!!!11!'
stev turn to noob and say 'but,,,,,,,, if u no gay,,,, then y do u cry??' (ATHERS NOTE OMGGG STEV YAS U TELL HIM!!1!1!)
knob gets mad but before he can do yelly at him they here a crumch!!!
they lok at eachother scarred, it could be endergod!1!1!1!1!111111111fkfkkfggg
'hewwo??' voice say frum out of cave,,,,,,,, 'oh !!!! no' nob think,,,,,,
'gu-g-gfff-hn-guest??? i-is that u ??'
'KNOB??? OMB (oh my builderman) is that YOU ?1?1!1?1!!!!!'
guess go in cav to see. he se stven and say sexy, 'oo an u hav boyf now nob??'
steve blushe an noob get ANGERY!!! 'i already tell u!!!! im not gay!!'m stevr look away in sadness,,,,,
he will not shut the h*ck up about not be gay!!!
'o so steve is singol??? thatse,,,, good' guest turn to stev nd say'i am guest4206969,,,, guest for short. i am noobs ex boyefrend'
It will be okay {Steve x Noob} ~minecraft roblox crossover~
De Todostove wakey up to see he laying on a blue floor,,, tha last thing he rember is he was mine for dimands and he pass out!!!1!1 little does steve know that he will find the love of his life. will his new crush, noob realize that he does the gay too...