Showering goes south.

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Rehearsals concerning the art tournament have been going on for some while now and I've been trying to blend in.. I helped Charlotte with her painting, my unending Job in Dylan's study was still an unreachable itch.. I was to take part in the house's play too and was told to play the role of the love strucken teenage girl planning to run away with one of the guys in the house which happens to be Stefan.. Since neither of us was into theater,  playing the role wasn't easy, actually doing anything that didnt involve singing and painting was difficult I sometimes wondered how the rest of the housemate juggled them all.

So it had been a long day in school and I was so tired I could sleep and walk at the same time, so walking home was out of the picture when I finally walked out of the school building I noticed Charlotte car wasn't in her packing space.. Tyler probably took his bike and was already half way home by now,  I did spot jessica's car but I knew fully well she would rather die than give me a ride home.. Not after all Richard have been doing to her ...  ok so I did report her,  i mean I was tired of her pranks and I couldn't put up with them anymore so I reported her and she was let on with a warning.

I took a good look at her car and noticed one of the car's tyre was deflated,  I raised a brow.

"Chelsea? "
I turned.


"Hi". I said,  walking towards him.

"You didn't join Charlotte for a ride back to the house.. " he said reaching in his pocket for his car keys I guess.

"Yeah,  she'd left when I got here." I said,  looking at how the sun played with his facial features and how the evening breeze ran its hand through his hair made me jealous. He got in his car and started it,  It roared to life and subsided I stood there just watching him, he finally looked my way.

"Yah coming in or what? "

"Oh. " was all I said,  hopping in. I must've fallen asleep during the ride cause when I opened my eyes,  we were in the garage still in the car.

"I was beginning to wonder when you would wake up. " was all he said, stepping out and Shutting the door and disappearing through the garage door leading to the main building,  i sighed and followed.  On getting to the living room, Charlotte was asleep on the coach, Tyler wasn't anywhere in the house, Stefan I think I left in school. Justin probably in his book club meeting.  i made my way to the bedroom gently pulling my cloths one after the other until I was wearing nothing,  made my way into the bathroom for a long soothing shower, i had wet my body and began to gently soap my hair when the shower stopped running, I tried twisting the knob again and again but nothing was running anymore, no water to wash the soap off my body and my hair which was still dripping of soapy water and was beginning sting my eyes.  It got to a point I had to shut my eyes, in the attempt to try twirling the shower knob again, it fell off and the force of which the water came running out of the hole made me slip and fall.

Dylan's POV.

The drive home was difficult, she had fallen asleep and her gentle face was facing me, It made concentrating on the road a lot harder..  when I finally decided to wake her up cause we were home already,  a faint smile played on her lips as she slept,  I smiled back and decided to just sit back and enjoy the view.. She looked more matured as the days passed by and made it hard to concentrate when we are enclosed alone in the study to the extent that i sometimes faked appointments just to get away to breath properly and release my self of the tension down there by walking it off. I knew well,  she'd got all my attention alright, and thats something that has never happened to me in my four years of leadership. Although,  there are some adamant girls through the years but not one got half my attention, not to talk of the whole lot she is attracting.

I let out a frustrating sigh.

how long can I avoid this pull I get from her, i hope for like another two years that's is, until her graduation and my send off out of the system, maybe then.. Yeah that's for sure.

We've been sitting there, she was sleeping and I was just admiring her when I sensed she was beginning to wake up so i escaped the only way I knew how.

By being a jerk.

I was just about to pull of my underwear and enter the shower when I heard her yelp,  i bolted  out of my room. 

When i got to her room she wasn't in,  i heard the sounds of rushing water and followed it.

The bathroom.

she was just beginning to get up, she had slipped, and was clutching a towel to her chest which wasn't  really covering anything cause if it was, I wouldn't have noticed how much of a woman she was, her skin,  moist and shinning,  her breast wasn't covered, her nipples as if calling unto me,  I stood there not knowing what to do I reached to hold her steady,  her body went still beneath my touch But I couldn't say the same about mine, cause it was raw with want.

i didnt know how I would leave here Sane.


I felt his presence immediately I heard my door open,  i quickly reached for my towel the soap in my eyes made it difficult to act fast, immediately I felt his hands on my arm, I went rigid as if frozen.

I am naked!

"Hey,   you alright? " I heard him say.

"Do I look alright! " I yelled. "please stop the running water!" I managed to say..  I used the already wet towel to wipe my eyes, only then could I see well.

He blocked the knob hole with his palm and tried to fit it back in,  I noticed he was already wet and dripping water and also the bulge in his underwear..

He was as hard as rock.

The thought if it made my legs weak and my cheeks burn. My eye met with his for a brief second and I looked away immediately, he managed to fit the knob back in, and faced me, his hair dripping water,  his blue eyes on me,  his hard-on pointing directly to me.. My whole body trembled, i tried mumbling something but even i couldn't hear myself, i was still holding the towel tight to my body now as..if he hasn't seen all there is to be seen.

Why isn't he saying something.

Has he took a step towards me the shower started running blasting us both with water but neither of us paid it any attention.

"Are you alright? " his voice hoarse.

"Yeah" I heard myself say. 

As if in a trance,  he reached for me, slowly running a finger up and down my wet arm, his muscled body a few inches from mine now,  my breathing a few second away from a panic attack.

"Calm down", "I've gat you. "

Was all he said as has cupped my face in his hands and crushed my lips with his.

I surrendered and let my towel drop to the floor.

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