15 - Graveyards and Bogeymen

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            The cold seeped through my jackets. I tried bunching up my scarf even more, but it didn't do a lot against the brisk wind.

            I shivered. Why were cemeteries always freezing?

I rolled my eyes and answered my own question. Maybe because everyone sneaks in at nighttime.

Trying to miss the dry leaves littering the ground, I made my way quickly through the graveyard.

            A mission, they'd said. A mission you should choose to accept or face the consequences. I knew all to well what those consequences might be and I didn't want to test their patience. So, here I was. Freezing my butt off and brushing away twigs, sprinkles of snow, and dead leaves from gravestones. Honestly, how more exciting could my Thursday night get?

            Mary Tidwell.

            Peter Mallard.

            Joseph Jones.

            Theodore –

            "A-ha!" I breathed out, a puff of air frosting out in front of my face. I crouched down next to Theodore Hunt's grave and sat back on my heels, rocking a bit as I tried to raise the courage to do what needed to be done.

            "I apologize in advance for disrupting your deep and peaceful sleep, Teddy. But the uppers believe you are hiding something they want." Pretending that this Theodore Hunt guy was alive was easier than picturing his decomposing skeleton self with worms and maggots in the ground.

            I tried not to gag as I swung my shovel over my shoulder, hitting the ground with the flat edge, creating a dull thump.

            Right as I was about to press the tip into the damp earth, something rammed into me with a yell, knocking me off balance. We crashed to the ground and I tightened my neck and shoulders, making sure I didn't hit my head. Concussions were never fun. Especially if you were getting attacked.

            "Stop!" The voice shouted, "What do you think you are doing?" I shoved the person off of me and leaped to my feet.

            My first instinct was to run.

            I took that instinct.


            "You did what?" Liam snorted, nearly choking on his bite of hamburger.

            "I ran," I answered, chucking a napkin at his face as I popped a few chips into my mouth. "Honestly, what is so unbelievable about that?"

            "You just left the shovel and ran?"

            "I think I did shout: So long, sucker! Nice knowing you! Hasta la vista, baby!"

            "Really?" The look he gave me was one of half-belief.

            "No!" I shot him a look. "Seriously? You honestly thought I'd do that?"

"Um, yes, I did." Liam raised an eyebrow.

"What did you expect me to do? Stay?"

            "Well, uh, yeah. At least find out who the hell that person was! Were they Normal? Or were they Other?"

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