1 - Four Leaf Clover

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      "We're all connected! Don't you understand?" The young man with the short, blonde gelled back hair shouted angrily. He was wearing a suit and tie and he looked out of place in our family's barn. "It's all because of that stupid four leaf clover!" He whipped to the side, leveling his glare at me. "It was you! Wasn't it? You did this."

      "Hey, leave my sister alone," Nathan said in his low, quiet voice. I was starting to getting pissed at this guy. Who the hell does he think he is? Appearing out of nowhere? My eyes scanned the room, spotting a young girl standing off to the side, mouth gaping and eyes bugging out of her head. She had an unruly blast of brown curls. The two strangers seemed to be around the same age as Nathan and I.

      "Nathan, it's okay," I said, keeping a wary gaze on the boy before me.

      The young man's eyes narrowed.

      Should I call the police? We didn't have cell phones. Who needed any when we were this far from town, in the middle of nowhere? No one to talk to. That was our parents' reasoning anyway. Well, Mom. Looks like we need them now.

      "Who are you and what in the world are you spouting off about?" I demanded, clenching my hands into fists.

      "What you did was childish and naïve! You wished upon the four leaf clover that grew under the moon's light, didn't you?"

      I gasped. "What? How...?" Last night, I couldn't sleep. I stared out my window and suddenly something I had a strange feeling that I should go outside. And not in that creepy someone's-about-to-kill-you-in-the-woods-and-you're-stupid-enough-to-follow-them-there type, but in the calm, peaceful tune of a mother's lullaby to their newborn child.

      "My name is Lillian," the girl blurted when the boy did not answer, simply glared. "I don't know any of you. What's going on? This is so weird, but so cool."

      "Just as you shouldn't know any of us! And it should've stayed that way," the boy growled.

      "You know as well as I do that it was destined for us to meet," Nathan said, heatedly. My eyes widened. My brother knew about this crazy nonsense the strange boy was shouting? "It's not like we had a choice. And you better snap out of it, because we're about to save the world, buddy."

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