Part One

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Little bit of a intro here, this is my first time posting on wattpad. I usually just hoard all my books and side stories to myself, and share with a few friends.
But I've had a lot of decent reactions to my works and thought I should share them more avidly.
Everything I post on wattpad will only be posted on wattpad, and nowhere else, as I consider these works not part of my main storyline.
May contain a whole bunch of errors as these were primarily for my own enjoyment.


I eyed the steps to the college. It would be my first time doing extra schooling, but it would be nice to know how others felt about my ideas. I spotted a bulletin board in the front hall and slid to it. Fliers about clubs and classes spotted the board between lost pets and roommate ads. I found an add that called for one person, no pets, and 300$ a month, not including food. They guy posted that he would be in the language arts section of the library until 6. i eyed the large metal clock that sat above the front doors. It was almost six. I sighed and shifted my bag and adjusted my black skirt before heading off.
I asked around until I found the library. The library was two floors with a sunroof and open seating area. The books were sorted by classes that required them, but to took me awhile to find the language arts section. There was multiple people studying, but I saw only one reading a fiction novel. I watched him, still clutching the flier.He had longish brown hair and wore an old black coat. He seemed like a hunter and the thought made me tense. He eyed his wrist, where a watch was, and mumbled something before gathering his stuff. I slid over and he looked up at me, his eyes were a dull brown, almost black color like his hair. His look gave me chills.

"Can I help you?" He asked me, sliding his book into his bag, I showed him my flier. "Oh."

"Yeah. I'd like to apply." I told him, he looked me over, then eyed the table.

I knew that look, he didn't want a girl, not for 600$. I sighed and shifted my shirt, feeling evaluated.

"I can pay double." I told him, causing him to give me a critical look. "I'm Kind of a hassle."

"What kind of hassle?"He asked me, his eyes lightening.

"I use a lot of shampoo and water and stuff like that." I said, blushing for once.

"Okay, well, are you moving in today?" He asked.

"Ah, no, and I don't have any furniture of books or anything. It's just me." I said softly, sighing. "So I probably need to buy a bed."

"No, but you're going to need a lot of blankets." He told me, sliding his bag to his side and starting away. "It gets really cold in winter and it costs to much to run the broken heater enough to be warm."

"Ah, okay, well, shall I meet you here tomorrow?" I asked him, following him to the front hall.

"Yes, and if I'm not here, here's my number." He told me, fishing a pen out of his pocket and signing my flier.

"Thank you, um, Heiro." i said, reading the number before sliding it into my bag. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yes, and thank you." He replied, honesty vibrating through him.

"Kiva." i told him, he gave me a look. "My name."

"Ah, okay, Kiva." He said, edging down the stairs. "See you tomorrow."

I nodded and he practically ran from the school. I found my way behind the college to it's almost park-like backyard. There was a large map of the campus, showing where the main meeting places for the outdoor activities are located. There was a few different gardens and many different sports, one of them was called a fight class, and had its own building a little off into the trees surrounding the school. I followed the path to the 'fight class' avoiding the few gardeners and bug collectors as they walked around.
The sing of bows and the thunk of arrows hitting targets arrived before my view of the building. I approached slowly. The building looked old but it was made with urban developments. I approached the outdoor foot lockers and slid my shoes into an empty box. I stepped up onto the porch and listened to the sound of arrows and bows coming from out back. I felt the feeling of something hitting the floor hard enough to have it vibrate out to the porch. I smiled, someone was wrestling inside. I prepared myself at the door, knowing it was probably a lot louder than it was outside.
Inside it was not as loud as I thought it would be, and I realized most of the class was out back shooting targets. I slid back the rice paper door and slid through, passing by the small group of wrestlers. The main room where the wrestling was happening was about the size of half a basketball court. Outside was much bigger, there were rooms to either side of the porch, each containing supplies for the class. I watched the archers let loose their arrows into targets not to far away. They all wore black training uniforms. There were few girls, but they were with the group. A guy with long silver hair, almost as long as my almost floor touching hair, approached me. He was wearing a black bamboo plate on his chest, wich was more of the group's captains uniform.

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