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h e l l o ,  

First things first, thank you. Thank you for stopping by. This book was created in the spur of a moment. I reckon that ideas that come unexpectedly are the best to write with. Every chapter of this short story will be short, simple and easy to read. I write this with hope to emanate some happiness and joy to your day. 

With that said, I hope you enjoy the story! I look forward to hearing your honest feedbacks.  

EDIT (18th March 2020): With the current coronavirus outbreak, time is in my favor for once, thus I am reconsidering rolling with this 6-year-old idea and see where it might take us. 

EDIT (16th July 2020): And finally, we have come to some sort of a completion. I am glad that I am able to finish the idea that my teenage self had. It has been quite a journey (although the story is only five parts) as I had to sit down and re-create the characters from prior. It was fun nonetheless. 

If you stopped by, please let me know what you think.

t i l l  t h e n . 

Copyright © 2014 by simplyruth

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