loose ends

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Aria slowly walked over to the figure and touched their shoulder. To her suprise, they turned over and started to open their eyes a bit. They yawned " morningggg " they said as they stretched out their raggedy arms.

This shook the duo to their core

The figure looked around for a bit, observing the dusty coffee tables and lamps before noticing Aria and Marcus. " hmm? Hello! " the figure said, Marcus backed up against the " wall " of the dog bed, " YOU CAN TALK?! " he shrieked " Yeah, why wouldn't I not be able to? " he replied. Aria then started asking questions " do you know anyone named Lil- " she was cut off. " Anyway " said the doll " lemme introduce my self! The name is Loose " he held out his hand, waiting for Marcus to shake it. Marcus took his hand and shook it " My name is Marcus.. and this is Aria " he said while pointing to her. Loose smiled " it's nice to meet you two "

" same to you " Aria replied, a bit mad that she was cut off earlier.

" so Loose, do you have any information on this place? " Marcus asked

Loose narrowed his dark purple eyes and stared at the worn brown cloth that was under them. " hmmm... " he said while putting his pale hands in his green and black hoodie. " all I remember is a dog... a medium sized dog with plenty of black and dark brown spots. " Loose said quietly. " I guess that's a clue? " Aria said while looking at Marcus. Marcus had almost a look of confusion on his face " I guess " he then said. " Wait, what are you two trying to do anyway? " Loose asked " we're trying to find this little girl, we believe her name is Lillian. She might be able to help us get back home to our families and friends " said the brown haired boy. Loose nodded his head slowly, like he understood that they didn't really know where they were and why they were there. " Maybe I could help you guys? " Loose inquired, Marcus and Aria shared a glance, smiled, and nodded. " Sure, the more the merrier! " Marcus said with a cheeky grin.

" but first, we'll have to introduce you to Palm and Teara " said the blonde

10:23 AM, the hallway to Lillians room

" Annnnnnnndd... we're here! " Aria said enthusiastically as she pushed open the huge door, revealing Teara looking through an old pale purple book full of pictures of mysterious people, Sparky rummaging through drawers, and Palm trying to find any papers that could give them clues on where she is. Teara, Palm, and Sparky eventually noticed them and Teara spoke up " Find any clues? " Aria shook her head and Teara looked a bit dissapointed until Palm pointed out that someone new is with them. " Who's that?! Is he a cool kid just like me?! " Aria chuckled " I can't confirm nor deny that. Anyway, this is Loose! We found him while looking for Lillian on the 3rd floor, he said he could help us while searching for Lillian! " Aria said while bouncing slightly in place.

Teara smiled, " thanks for joining us, it really means a lot. My name is Teara, let's say I'm the most responsible. This freckled weirdo is Palm he- " Palm cut her off " YOOOO! The names Palm! I'm the coolest kid you'll ever meet! " Teara sighed " And this is Sparky, he's very kind but I have to warn you, he likes to jump. " Sparky barked happily.

Loose grinned " I'm Loose! Thanks for letting me in your group, I would've been all alone if Aria and Marcus never found me.. " he stifled a laugh. Moments later, they're searching the whole bedroom, under the bed, in boxes, books, the bathroom, basically any place that could hold clues of Lillian until...

" Guys! Guys! Look! A notebook! "

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