Jk i love all of my friends. These are just some memes

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Monika: ok everyone! Let's have a talk about emotions. What are some emotions you guys are feeling right now?

Yuri: Stabbing

Monika: w-well that's more of an action! (that I hope you don't do to me)

Yuri: Well maybe I feel... stabby.


Sayori, quietly listening to Monika and Yuri: *leans over to Natsuki* I thought of something funnier than 24.

Natsuki: lemme hear it

Sayori: ... 25

A few minutes after laughing___

Natsuki, sliding over a note to Sayori: psst- read the note.

Sayori, reading the note: Natsuki you can't say that! She's the leader-

Monika: What about the leade- Sayori! As if I even look like that! For this you're getting your good doki ribbon taken

Sayori: No, don't! I'm a good doki! I promise!

Monika, as she takes the ribbon off a chart: you'll have to work better to earn it back

Sayori: *passes out in her seat and sinks into the floor*

Natsuki raising her hand: Monika, I didn't know it was naptime.

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