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4:30 PM. 19TH MAY 2019.

Addy lay in bed as her brother sorted out arrangements with their new landlord. She thought of their life back in New York and longed for the parties which would last until sunrise. She missed her Shadow friends and hated having to live like a Grogger. It felt as though she had the weight of the world on her shoulders as she slumped on her side. Reaching into her pocket she unfolded a very small piece of paper. Addy almost cracked a smile at the sight of him. Her Ajax. She brushed her thumb affectionately down the picture of them laughing together in her old house back in Long Island. Before Addy had time to dwell too much Rasmus returned and she stuffed the photo back into her pocket praying that she hadn't crumpled it too much. She desperately wanted to spill her emotions and tell Rasmus everything but she knew it wasn't safe. Before he would start trying to question her again she said abruptly,

"I'm going out - I'll see you later"

Rasmus responded but Addilyn couldn't hear. She'd already thrown on her leather jacket and slammed the door shut. Addy hadn't been as hungry since she found out the news. She'd only been feeding once a week and that was purely to keep up her strength. She did not enjoy blood the way she had back before and that euphoric feeling was somehow absent. As she looked down at her slightly protruding stomach it dawned on her that she could not keep the pregnancy a secret from Rasmus much longer. But a secret she must keep from him is the identity of the father. Addy reassured herself that this was for Rasmus' protection but deep down she feared of how he would react and whether his promise to stand by her side no matter what would be kept.

As she strolled down the street she watched the world go by. Mothers pushing their strollers down the street. Children laughing in the park and running after one another. For a singular moment Addy envied the Groggers. She wish her unborn child had any chance of being as care free but she knew her baby's fate. And it was not to run around with not a worry in the world. Addy placed a hand on her stomach as she thought of the journey they would have ahead. Whilst she was deep in thought a very tall and slender woman bumped into her,

"So sorry!" she chimed

Addy ignored the woman and continued to walk,

"I'm Celia, you're clearly new to town" the woman called after her.

Addy stopped in her tracks remembering what her brother had said about blending in,

"Yeah, moved back with my brother."

"Moved back? Where were you from! Haven't seen you about before"

"Town over, I have to get home" Addy said turning around

"Oh and with child! How magnificent!"

Addy felt a chill go down her spine she wrapped her jacket tightly around her waist and rushed up to the woman. Her mind was flooded with panic. It was the Shapers. They had found her. Or they sent spies. Groggers as spies. It was fool proof and discreet. Addy then placed her hand on the back of the woman's neck. Her veins glowed as she said,

"Follow me. No questions asked. Quietly." before returning to their flat.

As soon as they were alone and behind closed doors Addy swiftly snapped her neck and lay the woman's lifeless body on the kitchen floor. Addy let out a sigh of relief and picked up the woman's bag laying on the floor looking for evidence of The Shapers. She was sure she'd find pictures of Rasmus and herself and a burner phone to contact The Shapers. Flicking through her wallet she saw an ID card for the local hospital, 'Midwife', it read and a photo of the woman with three children. The wallet slipped through Addy's fingers as she realised what she had done. The woman simply just knew she was pregnant. Addy rushed out of the flat fingers trembling as she rung Rasmus,

"I...I thought she was one of them. I took somebody's mother away. I killed her Rasmus. For no reason at all."

"For Christ's sake Addy you can't just leave your mess and expect me to clean it up. They're going to fucking find us if you don't get it together. I'll be home later - just go back to the flat and stay inside. I'll see you then," Rasmus responded before hanging up.

As Addy crumpled onto the floor outside their flat she felt she was loosing all sense of reality. She couldn't cope anymore. Suddenly she felt a presence over her head,

"The half breed child bearer?" the man enquired, "I don't believe we've met. My name is Claude."


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