Chapter 9

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Aaron kissed his phone. His beautiful....beautiful phone. He caught Theo staring at him.

"What? Don't judge moi." Aaron flipped his imaginary hair. Theo raised an eyebrow.

"My boyfriend is weird..." She muttered under her breath. Aaron shrugged and continued to kiss his phone.

"My phone is beautiful....." He mumbled quietly, although Theo could hear him. She rolled her eyes and walked away. He watched her. He then felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around.

"Excuse me, do you know Alexander Hamilton?" A woman with bright blue highlights and green eyes asked. (Made up character!)

"Yea, Why do you need to know?" He asked.

"Cause I want to see him. Obviously." She rolled her eyes. Aaron shrugged and pointed to the door next door.

"There. Leave me alone now." He said. The woman rolled her eyes again and walked up to the door, knocking loudly. The door then opened, revealing John. But she didn't know that.

"Excuse me, who are you? Wait, Is Alex gay now? Ugh!" She stomped. John rolled his eyes. Typical, rich, spoiled girl.

"I will assure you I'm not gay, So whatcha here for?" He asked.

"Alex! I love him! I want him back. I didn't mean to kiss another guy in front of him!" She pouted. Bitch....John thought. He let her in.

"Wassup- Juvie....?" Alex said shocked.

"Yes! So. Alex I really love you! I heard that you had a crush on me so I was thinking-....Alex...?" She looked at him.

"Um. I don't like you anymore. Like that. I like someone else so...yea..."

"What?! I came all this way to find out you don't like me anymore? Fine, your loss." She walked out, flipping her hair. John shrugged and slammed the door closed.

"Dude. Why didn't you tell me she was coming?" He asked.

"I didn't know!" Alex crossed his arms and sighed.

"Oof. Oh well, She's gone now. Let's celebrate!" John pumped his fist in the air. Alex nodded and laughed.

"Well. I gotta go dude. Peggy and I are going out!" John smirked and walked out their dorm, leaving Alex all alone. He shrugged and saw a piece of paper in his pocket.

Hey. This is my number. *Insert random number.* Text me!
From: E. S.
He raised an eyebrow and put the number in his contacts.

Alex: Who is this?

Unknown: Eliza....

Alex: Oh. Okay.

He smiled unconsciously and turned his phone off.

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