Nerd Art Online Part 1

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       *sigh* It's the first day of freshman year of high school. Oh boy! I'll have to find ways to sneak my phone under my desk during History. I HATE History. Like seriously though, why do we even need to know this crap, it's not like we're gonna be magically teleported back in time and have to know EVERYTHING about life in that time. Unless you're gonna write a book about life back then, which probably wouldn't make you much money because nobody likes that stuff, that class is absolutely useless.
       Back to the main point, I've almost finished the first season of Fairy Tail, which I'm disappointed in myself that I hadn't started earlier, and what better time to finish it than during History? It's almost time to get to school and I don't wanna be late to my first day of torture, but at least school will be better because I have Chris with me. Welp, better go get ready. See ya!
                          30 minutes later
       "HEEEEY!!!! WASSUP GIIIIRL!!!" I turn around to see Chris run toward me. He stops just inches away from my face, with an excited expression on his. "Hi," I respond unenthusiastically, trying not to laugh. I hold my straight face for a few seconds before letting out a little giggle. "That's my girl!" He yells. "Shhh," I elbow him, "It's only the first day of school, we can't let them know how weird we are yet." He frowns. "We want them to think better about themselves so that they get more disappointed when they realize how weirdly awesome we are." I say with a wink. His face brightens up and a wide smile spreads across his face. "But you can't spend your whole first week being completely normal," He states knowingly, "You'll never survive that way. At least have a little fun." He raises an eyebrow. I let out a sigh "Fine," I give his shoulder a light punch.
       He grins that evil grin that he always has before he does something bad. "I wonder how many gay ships we could make.." He looks around and points to a girl dressed in all black with an arm tattoo, lots of eyeliner and black lipstick and black hair covering one eye. With the other hand, he points to a girl with blonde hair that was obviously dyed, a pink dress, pink heels and excessive amount of makeup on. "Those two." I look at them for a while and ponder. I take the hand that's pointed to the preppy girl and move it over to a she girl sitting on the ground and hugging her knees with long brown hair covering half of her face. "No, I could see these two better." He looks at the two of them and nods. "It has been decided. Now we must advance to step two: stalking them." I giggle and nod. "Step two commence!" We both share a chuckle.
       The bell rings and all of the students race in the building with schedules in hands. "Crap! I forgot to get my schedule!" I realize. Chris opens his bag and pulls out two sheets of paper. He hands me one. "I got you girl," he says with a wink. A wave of relief rushes over me and I grab the paper. "Thanks!" I smile and give him a quick hug. He nods as we start walking in the building.
       As I compare our schedules, I realize that we have every class together. "Chris," I glance at him suspiciously, "What did you do?" He stared guiltily at the floor and mumbled, "I may have hacked a few things in their computer system." "Again!?" I yelled. "Hey listen," He said, "It was really easy to get into. They don't have very good security."  I sighed and shook my head. "Welp," He said, "What's done is done."
       He grabbed my shoulder and I stopped walking and looked back at him. He nodded to the door. "We're here!" He smiled. "Oh.. sorry," I apologized as we linked arms and weirdly marched into the classroom. This is gonna be one interesting year.

   Good at hacking
   Over enthusiastic about everything
   Likes RPG games and watching anime with Amanda
   Has known Amanda since they were 5
   Adorable cinnamon bun
   Only sees the good in people, with the exception of video games

   Likes reading fanfics
   Knows 5 languages
   Major introvert but makes exceptions for Chris
   Has a weird obsession with birds
   Not really a pessimist or optimist
   Always sees the true intentions of people
   Human lie detector
   Likes watching anime, drawing and singing along to musicals with Chris

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