Nerd Art Online Part 6

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       After a few hours of walking, we arrive at a small town square filled with people and small individual shops crammed into one tiny wooden cart per store. Chris immediately runs to the jewelry cart and Lacey runs off towards the food court. I spot a cart with books and I walk over to it. There are books on how to survive, how to battle, how to build a good team and a lot more. It hurts my head to think of all the things we need to do before we beat all the levels and return home. Just as I'm about to leave the cart, I feel a vibration behind my ear. I bring up my screen and see a message from Mr. Harpers that says where to meet him and when. I close my screen and go drag Lacey and Chris away from their carts. "B-but I wanted the necklace!" Chris complains. Lacey gives him a playful punch on the shoulder. "Man up, kid," She teases. He sighs and stands up to look at us. He looks at our outfits and hair and nods in approval. "I've done good," He mumbles with a grin on his face. I roll my eyes and we start walking.
After a few hours of walking and talking about how to beat the game, we arrive at the location. It's an abandoned blacksmiths shop. There are still weapons in it though. It's an interesting place to meet, but it's got a lake and a nice view of the giant tower of levels that we have to beat, not to mention the pretty sunset in the background. I hear a sound to my right and see one of the popular guys taking a picture of the tower and sunset with the reflection on the lake, but with a Polaroid camera. He notices me looking at him and quickly hides the camera. "S-sorry," He says quietly and starts blushing. "It's fine. Can I see that?" I ask. He looks at me and raises an eyebrow. "Please don't break it or tell anyone." He says while handing me the camera reluctantly. I smile and nod. I walk backwards and position the camera where I want it. "Hey, you!" I call out to him. He looks at me and his eyes widen. "Come here for a sec." I say and nod towards the lake. He lowers his head and walks over to the lake. As he faces me, I tell him to smile. He puts his hands in his pockets and leans to one side with a cute half-smile. I take the picture, and I have to admit it's an amazing picture. I smile and hand the camera to him, "Thank you." He smiles back. "Heh... well, thank you too." I watch him walk away towards his friends with the camera hidden behind his back. "Oooh, look who's in looove!" I whip around to see Lacey and Chris making lovey faces and making fun of me. I roll my eyes. "Is she blushing!?" "Oh, she's totally blushing!" "Ooooohhh, someone has a crush on Jaaacooob!" "Awwww, she even got to take a picture of him!" "Aww, isn't that the cutest-" "STAWP!!" I yell. Chris whispers something to Lacey and she giggles. "I don't like him," I lie, turning away from them to see Jacob's friends all making fun of someone from afar. I don't see him with them, but I find him leaning against a shed with the camera strapped around his neck, looking out into the distance. I smile and I feel my face get warm again. I curse under my breath and turn back around to see Chris and Lacey making hearts with him and I in them. I sigh and walk away towards Mr. Harpers. He calls everyone to him and tells us all to split up into our little groups so that he can see all the separate groups. Once we're all in our separate groups and points and Jacob and points to my group. "You, go there. That's your group now." He looks at me and I can feel myself blushing again. He smiles sweetly and walks over to us. Once he gets to our group, though, he shoves his hands in his pockets and faces Mr. Harpers with an annoyed expression and an angry sigh. It catches me off guard, but I don't show it. I turn to face the teacher and he explains how the whole "beating levels in the tower" stuff. I don't listen because I know all of it already. Instead, I look at the tower and think about all the different levels and what could be in them. I think of how much experience we would need to be able to fight them, and if there are any special weapons or books or anything that we would need in order to beat the levels.
After a few minutes, feel a punch on my back. "Ow," I say unenthusiastically. Lacey giggles and Chris gives a disappointed sigh. "The explanation is over, 'Manda. Teach assigned us a training field where we all have to go." I look over at the teacher and then back at Chris. "What?" Chris glares at me. "I swear if I have to explain this to you again." I hear a small laugh and I turn to see Jacob laughing quietly at us. Chris growls and Jacob immediately stops laughing. I glare at Chris and turn back. "Sorry," I whisper. He nods and smiles, "It's fine." He whispers back, "Sorry for acting annoyed earlier when I came to your group." He glances at Chris, "And sorry for laughing." Lacey giggles again. Jacob looks at her and his eyes widen. "A-are you old enough to be here?" He asks and immediately covers his mouth. "Oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't mean to-" "It's fine," Lacey interrupts, "and technically, no I'm not." He sighs in relief. "Then, why are you here, exactly?" "I was too smart for 6th grade so they moved me up a few grades." "Ahh, ok. You're very giggly, but you look like you'd be the opposite." She blushes and gives a slight smile. "So, I'm part of your team now. Right?" Jacob asks. Chris nods. "Yep! Just a warning though, we're all weird, so you'll probably get REALLY annoyed with us very quickly." He says. "Oh really?" "Yeah." "I'd like you to know that I can be weird too." Oh yeah?" "Yeah." "Well let's see it, Mr Popular." "You little-" "HEY!" They both turn to look at me. "Both of you, cut it out." I sigh and shake my head. Lacey giggles again. She runs over to me and hugs me. I hug her back. "They're scary," Lacey says. I laugh, "Yeah, they are." We both start laughing and before we know it, all four of us are on the ground laughing hysterically.
       Once we've all gotten back up and gotten ourselves back together, we head over to the training field Mr. Harpers assigned us and bring out our weapons. "So... what are your names again?" Jacob asks. I turn to see him with a wooden sword in his hands, looking at us. "I'm Chris," Chris says. He points at Lacey, "This is Lacey." He nods towards me, "And that's your future wife." I shoot an arrow and it hits him in the head. "Ow!" I smirk and turn back to Jacob. "I'm Amanda." He smiles. "You've got good aim." "And you need some work done to your appearance and weapon!" Chris runs over to him. I realize that Jacob hasn't changed his appearance at all and the wooden sword he's holding is his weapon. Lacey runs over to me and mutters some words under her breath, then a bunch of flowers and a small vine appear in her hands. She plops down on the ground and starts braiding them. Occasionally, she'll look up at me and smile, then go back to braiding. I smile at her and then look over to the boys. I see Jacob in this bright pink dress that parts down the middle with bright purple pants under it. The dress is sleeveless, but his arms are covered by the neon green cape that ties around his neck. He has high heeled boots, one black and one white, that are knee high. Chris turns to look at me, and does jazz hands in Jacob's direction. "Masterpiece," He says confidently. I nudge Lacey with my shoe. She looks up at them and immediately starts laughing hysterically. "Oh my god, what did you do to him!!??" I roll my eyes at Chris and pat Lacey on the head. "I'll settle this." I walk towards them and punch Chris in the face. "That is no way to treat a new member, Christine." "I'm sorry, WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME!!!????" "You heard me." "OOOH GIRL YOU DID NOT JUST SAY WHAT I THINK YOU SAID." I hear Lacey yell from across the field, "Yes she did!" "YOU WANNA GO GIRLFRIEND, 'CAUSE WE CAN GO RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!" "SQUARE UP, FAM!" I take out my bow and put an arrow in it and Chris takes out his sword. "Hey hey hey, let's not fight right now," Jacob stands in between Chris and me, "I wanna get into a different outfit. Please." I roll my eyes and sigh. Chris and I put our weapons away and I walk over to Jacob. He pulls up his screen and I begin my work...

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2019 ⏰

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