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It was time, the moment had arrived the courtyard was crowded and the castle full of warriors in and out, the army was waiting for Alfred, the lords on their horses, Alenna remained close to zigfrid feet on the ground, she would love to see the battle that Alfred and Ubbe orchestrated but knew that if she mentioned it to Alfred the king would lock her in the cell of the dungeons until he returned.Alfred was dressed like a real king and when Alenna saw him she thought how beautiful he was but extremely serious, he got on his horse, Björn already impatiently paced waiting for the King's command, then he finally stopped at the side of Alenna and asked by folding his arms.

"You not going to war your highness?"

Alenna took a deep breath and looked at Björn.

" I'm not a warrior like you Bjorn Ironside."

"Hum, maybe you should learn a little bit more about my people, we all go to war when we need to."

" If I wanted to be a pagan I would have asked for you to teach me how to act like one."

"If you ask me I can teach you a lot of things incluing things that your little king of Wessex don't know about."

Alenna rolled her eyes and turned her back to Bjorn. He was getting on her nerves and she didn't like his audacity. She took a deep breath and put her attetion back to Alfred.

"My Lord Cyneheard you will not go with us today."

"Why not?"

"Because you're under arrest for treason."

A guard from the castle came and took the lord off his horse and Alfred finally gave the command for all the lords to follow them.The war was here and that made Alenna shiver.

"Come Zigfrid."

Alenna ordered the knight retreating as she went towards the castle, the bouth of them waited in silence for long period.


There was blood everywhere, bodies on the floor and people on fire, Alfred was already with a bruise on his face and dirt all over his body.The only thing his eyes could see was death and destruction, he couldn't even see if he was losing or winning.

"Lord, please have mercy on this army."

Was the only thing he had time to say before someone attacked him again. Alfred was quick enough to fight back and manage to put his sword on the enemy's belly but when he turned arond someone else attacked him to the mud he saw his life flashing trough his eyes and sundelly the man on top of him was dead already with an axe on this head. Alfred looked up and could see Bjorn kicking the man of him.

"Get up, this is no place to rest!"

From far away Alenna army apear as plan b to join Alfred army, the king lost more man the he could have imagined and unfortunally he would have to sacrifise a few more.
When King Harold could be seen shouting in his native tongue then all his remaining warriors tried flee the battle field making Alfred realize that he had won.


"God works in mysterious ways and each of you ask yourselfs, do you know his ways? "

He had won, Alenna was looking at him with pride in her eyes and a smile on her face, he was making his great speech of victory and it was time to celebrate his victory.
The was a feast being prepared while the king and the Warriors took the time to rest and clean them selves. Alenna stood in the great hall with a cup of sweet wine one ther hands. "Maybe thats the taste of victory after all, sweet and relaxing".

" I see you are enjoying yourself."

She sundelly heard Bjorn Ironside voice pretty close to hear ear making her jump a little bit.

"And you seem to enjoy ruin this to me hum?"

"Quite the contrary, I only intend to make you feel good."

Alenna turned her head to the side and only now she could see how close he was.

"If that is really your intention then why you keep boddering me?"

A commotion started to happening making Alenna and Bjorn to look round noticing Alfred walking into the hall.      Pleople chear and clap, praising the king of Wessex. Bjorn on the other side seeing Alenna smiling at Alfred he felt his insides crumble.

" Maybe you should be more kind to me after all I was the one who saved his head. We'll talk about it later."

Bjorn saw Alfred looking at their direction and left to go outside.
And everything Alenna could think about right now was how he saved Alfred's life, why, how? She didn't belive in him. He was a Viking and if Bjorn Ironside had the oportunity to see Wessex burn he would.
Alfred walked towards her and left a kiss on her hand.

"I made a promisse to you last night that I intend to keep."

He whisper to her making her smile again.

" We shouldn't be thinking about that matters right now, I'm just glad that you are here with me again."

Alfred leard on the wall beside them and tooked a deep beath.

"I tought for a moment that I wouldn't see you again."

" About that, Ironside told me about what happened."

"He was a great use to use in this battle."

"Bjorn isn't your friend Alfred he did this because he want something from you."

"Of couse, he needs me alive so he can have his lands I'm not stupid Alenna and yet I'm grattefull, can't you be?"

"I don't like him Alfred, of all of them he is the one who gets on my nerves."

"Don't let hate control your mind my love."

"It's not hate Alfred, I'm just angry."

"Angry about what Darling?"

"Angry that I can't read him."


A/n: Sorry for the short chapter. Alenna refuse to aceppt that Bjorn it's hot, it's okay honey we all do.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2022 ⏰

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