Chapter 17

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Jaekyung POV

My eyes widen in surprise as the phone slips from Yoongi's hand, a terrified expression on his face.

"We need to go." He barely manages to mumble before grabbing the device and slipping it in his pocket, pushing himself out of the booth. Not knowing what's going on but knowing better than to question right now, I merely follow suit and climb out of the booth as well.

Within an instant, Yoongi's hand is wrapped tightly around mine before he begins pulling us out of the coffee shop, drinks long forgotten at this point. My concern for him only worsens as he begins actually running once we're out of the shop, recognizing the way he's going but not understanding why yet.

We stay silent though, the only exception being the quiet incoherent mutterings that slip from Yoongi as he nearly drags me with him. I don't miss the fearful tears rolling down his cheeks though, only worrying more than he had when he dragged us out of the shop.

My heart aches for him, worried about what it is that's got him in such a state. He's seemed so calm and collected with how well he's dealt with me, and yet now he's the complete opposite.

My concern doubles when he does in fact yank us into the hospital entrance. I do my best to keep up with his frightened pace, working with him as he surpasses the elevators and heads straight for the stairs. Nervously, I continue following him when he finally hops out on one floor, pace quickening even more if possible.

"Yoongi-" Before I can finish trying to say anything more, he nearly stops dead in his tracks in front of an already opened door. Thankfully, I manage not to run straight into him from the sudden stop, but it's close.

Before I've got a chance to process anything though, I'm silently pulled into the room we've stopped in front of, Yoongi's grip on my hand tightening significantly. Although, as we enter the room and I look around, I finally realize why, lots of things beginning to click into place.

Wordlessly, I'm slowly brought over to the side of the woman who's laid in the bed. She resembles Yoongi easily, though her features sickeningly pale and weak looking.

"Hi, Eomma." Yoongi greets the woman quietly, voice cracking as he speaks. The woman smiles up at him weakly, reaching up to cup his cheek gently.

"There's my baby boy. I see you've brought that girl you've been telling me about, hmm?" She says, a knowing smirk still managing its way onto her face. I blush lightly at this as she looks over at me with a small smile, Yoongi turning a few shades darker than me.

"This is Jae, Eomma. We're actually dating now." Yoongi explains shyly, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand.

"It's lovely to meet you, sweetheart. Hopefully Yoongi's been treating you well so far?" She teases gently, winking at her son. I laugh softly, nodding my head.

"He's been treating me wonderfully. You've raised him well." I answer quietly, nudging Yoongi lightly. A tiny smile appears on his lips as he shyly looks down to the ground, cheeks darkening in red even more.

"I'm sorry, I'll be right back. Think you can manage for a couple minutes, Yoongi?" I mumble quietly to him. He frowns at me, but nods.

"Please just don't be long, Jae. I'm sorry for dragging you here, but I really need you right now." He whispers back, voice cracking even now. I merely nod, kissing his cheek before walking out of the room.

Looking around, I soon spot a doctor and quickly pull him aside.

"Can you please explain to me what's wrong with Mrs. Min?" I ask quietly, glancing back at the room behind me. He frowns at me, glancing to the room behind before a look of realization dawns on him.

"Ah, Mrs. Min. She's here being treated for an illness that's come up since her last surgery. It didn't go as well as the doctors had thought it had, and she got an infection. Unfortunately, the proper treatment that can guarantee her healing and recovery is too expensive for her husband." He explains in a gentle tone, keeping his voice quiet as he looks back to me. My eyes widen at this, now realizing just how hard this must be on Yoongi right now.

"Don't be saying this to anyone, I'm only telling you because I watched you come in with her son. She's grown sick ever since giving birth to her son. According to her medical history, she's not been the healthiest and has had a lot of health issues since giving birth. Just, as background for what's been going on." He adds softly. I bite my lip, nodding as I glance back at the room where Yoongi is still at with his parents. Taking a deep breath, I glance back at the doctor stood in front of me.

"Just one more question. How much would it cost for her to be properly taken care of so that she can heal and recover completely? I want this process started immediately."

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