Chapter 27

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Jaekyung POV

"Get up. You're being released." A gruff voice says. Reluctantly, I lift my head up to see one of the guards stood in front of the cell I've been held in for the last however many hours now. Rolling my eyes, I hardly recognize the second sentence as I drag my bruised body onto my feet.

Silently, I walk over to the door that's now being held open for me. He takes me by the arm, half dragging me down the hallway and up a set of stairs. I don't really care though, still not really sure as to where I'm being led as I keep my head down towards the ground. Though, eventually he stops and let's go of me, and it causes me to look up in confusion of why we've stopped. My eyes widen though, spotting Yoongi stood just a short distance away and watching all of this as the man takes the cuffs off me.

Even once they're off and the man is gone, I still don't move. I have no idea why he's here or why I'm suddenly being released, all I know is I'm terrified over the fact that he's here and that he's just witnessed this. I just watch as he sighs, ruffling his brunette hair before walking in my direction. My entire body tenses as he makes his way over to me, not having been ready to see him yet, let alone be anywhere near him. It all just makes me want to straight back to the bar and drink until I'm fucking dead.

I'm once again surprised though, when he reaches me. Such a gentle and concerned look in his eyes, his touch soft and light as he reaches up to cup my cheek. It scares me and makes me want to cry, the way he's being so careful with me, but I know better than to let any of it show as I keep a blank look on my face.

Of course, I finally break when he wraps his arms around my waist gently and pulls me into him, tugging me into a soft but tight hug. I just wrap my arms around him as well, burying my head into his chest as the tears start falling, feeling him gently begin to run his fingers through my hair.

"Come on. Let's get you out of here, baby." Yoongi murmurs in my ear softly. It just makes me choke back a sob as I tighten my arms around d him, not having expected him to ever call me that ever again. Though, I finally pull away once he kisses the top of my head, looking up at him in utter confusion and pain of everything going on with him being here. He just gives me a small smile though, taking my hand in his and lacing our fingers together before gently leading me out of the police station.

Silently, we exit the station hand in hand, neither of us saying a word as we start down the street. I recognize immediately that he's heading back in the direction of the hospital, and I have no doubts that he had come straight from there. We don't exchange a single word between us until we finally reach the hospital, Yoongi pulling me away from the door and instead off to the side of the building.

"Jae,... Why? I... I finally come to my fucking senses of how stupid I was yesterday to let you just walk out, only to get a call from the police asking me to come down to the station because you're there and they needed to ask me questions? Y-you finally walk out from wherever the hell they were keeping you, and you look like you've been in the worst fight of your life. What the fuck happened?" Yoongi questions quietly, looking down at me with tears in his sweet chocolate brown eyes. I just purse my lips, lowering my head as I look away.

"I'd rather not talk about it, Yoongi. You didn't want me around yesterday, so why are you suddenly concerned about me again?" I tell him softly in defeat. He shakes his head at me though, reaching up and cupping my cheeks in the gentlest manner possible.

"Baby, I'm sorry for how I acted and the shit I said yesterday. I knew you were only trying to help, Jae, I was just frustrated at myself. I blamed myself for you going out of your way like that to support my family, when you barely know my parents. I know what I said hurt you, baby, but I'm so fucking sorry. I... I really don't want you to leave me, Jae. You really are my entire world, just as much as my mother is." Yoongi murmurs softly, wrapping his arms around my waist once more before pulling me flush against him in a gentle hug. I feel him kiss the top of my head, and I simply nuzzle my head further into his chest as I wrap my arms loosely around him as well.

"I didn't want to get in the fight, Yoongi. Hoseok wasn't having any of it though. He thought I was intoxicated enough that he'd be able to take me home and fuck me, and I wasn't letting that happen. I just wanted to go to the bar so that I could drink for a while, get my mind off what had happened. I just wasn't going to let him take advantage of me that way. I'm sorry you had to come to the station for questioning and that you had to go at all. But thank you."

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