Chapter 7

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Matthew held his breath, trying to take in the situation he was going through. When he finally thought they were getting along he pushed him aside and told him horrible lies. He remembered the way Collin looked at him, a different look compared to the first time they first met. In his eyes, he saw a hint of sadness and what seemed to be love which confused him even more. Why would Collin have a hint of love in his eyes? Is he in love? If so with who and how does that involve me in the first place?

Time passes by, making Matthew more and more nervous, wondering what was happening. Charlie was ignoring him and avoiding him for the longest time and he felt like Collin and Charlie were hiding something very important from him. He walked to Collin's front door, having a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach but decides to go against his own will anyway. He knocks but there is no answer. Usually, he would have left but something deep inside of him really wanted to go inside.

After an internal battle within himself he walks in, he didn't feel like he was intruding since Collin said he could come in without knock, well at least he said that when they were getting along. He walked upstairs, standing behind his door. He was about to walk in but that would just be too much of an invasion of privacy, instead, he lightly knocks on the door.

"Come in Uncle Victor," Collin says with a muffled voice as a response to welcome his uncle instead of Matthew. Matthew ignores the name and walks in and sees Collin laying down with a cover covering him head to toe on his bed. Matthew hesitates, he knows he is going to have to speak some day but it still gave him a lot of nerves and butterflies in his stomach.

"Collin? It's me Matthew.... I...uh... I was hoping to maybe talk to you and straighten things out." Collin pulls on the sleeves of his hoodie to cover his hands out of habit when he feels nervous. Collin groans, frustrated with just simply hearing Matthew's voice.

"Why are you here? You know I stay inside my room all day for a reason." Collin complained as he sat up uncovering himself to look at Matthew.

"Why are you avoiding me? We were doing so well hanging out together. I actually had a great time with you and I miss hanging out with you. I even miss competing with you even though we would fight. At least then you paid attention to me and would actually acknowledge my presence."

"Look Matthew I am too busy to be thinking about competition right now. I do pay attention to you but that doesn't matter. Right now Charlie needs us the most because she is...." Collin then quickly changes his expression, like he almost said something he wasn't supposed to say.

"Charlie is what?" Matthew asks concerned for his best friend. Collin gets up walking closer to Matthew and stood by his bed next to him. "What's wrong?"

"Nevermind, forget I even mentioned Charlie, the point is that I'm too busy to be dealing with you right now."

"No, Collin you are going to tell me why Charlie needs us right now! I will not stop asking and bothering you until I know what's wrong." Collin thinks about it, whether he should say the truth or ignore Matthew but he finally gives in with the truth.

"Look, Matthew I... I didn't want you to find out like this. The truth is..." Collin looks at his feet not knowing how to say the truth.

"Collin look at me." Matthew commands and Collin slowly looks up at him with tears in his eyes. "Please Collin, tell me what's wrong." Only Collin made him feel worse, Collin then releases a tear and finally answers. His voice shaking along with his hands and knees.

"Charlie.... Charlie has terminal cancer." Collin looked down at his hand on his thighs with tears rolling down his eyes. Matthew was in shock, tears rolling down his face processing it but still in major shock. All the memories of Charlie being there for him come across his mind and pain comes quickly at the thought of her one day being gone. Collin was crying in his hands, covering his face trying to hold back a sob but it was all too much. Collin zones out, clearly forgetting about Matthew and walks towards his closet with tears still rolling down his face.

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