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I looked at mom curious of my father.
Sit down,  she tells everyone and we all did,  " listen...when the war ended...him n i had to discuss somethings....selene....were not...normal,  she says and i reply "ya no crap were wolves" and she nods " yes but...were not just wolves....your father you see he was a king, a king of a kingdom hidden by witchcraft. Listen, you have not yet found out what of this world ....or of the powers our family holds...." I freeze and see her put up her hand and a small flame lights in the palm of her hand and as soon as it appears it vanishes and i gasp,  "h-how" i say and she sighs....honey i'm putting u in danger by telling u this but i also must tell you because you must be able to prepare for what lies ahead,  you are now not just a Luna of the shadow stone pack.....but of a great kingdom of elemental wolves and witches alike,  a kingdom allied with many covens of witches,  and vampires,  and even dragons who all take human form and live as humans until they are summoned once again. way no way no way,  i start flipping out,  theirs no way that this is real,  i say as i start pacing around the room and hyperventilating,  no way no way no way.

Selene,  says my mother,  no way no way no way, "SELENE" yells my mom and i stop and look seeing everything floating in the air including Leon,  his mom,  and mine,  i sit on the floor and my mother does a hand thing and fixes it all back to the ground safely...."that was me?!?" I say and try to breathe.

Leon,  after gaining his composure,  bends down and engulfs me in a hug that calms me down immediately.
Thank you,  i say as he lets go and i sigh.

I need awhile to process can Leon spend the night,  i ask and she nods,  "as long as you promise to not be hecka loud and please try to not do it at 3am please,  i'm making an exception cause were wolves and its part of the natural mating process but don't be loud or break anything for me please,  she says and i blush as Leon gives a goofy grin and i punch his arm,  " naughty thoughts begone!" I yell wacking his head and he chuckles grabbing my hands softly and kissing them making me melt and turn really red.

*few hours later*

I got extra blankies and pillows for Leon and we already ate and his mom went home. I was chillin on my bed leaning against Leon's back drawing when he suddenly got up and i fell back onto the bed,  "h-heyyyy" i say looking up to him but he just tilted his head and gave me a goofy grin,  so i shoved my sketch book in his face before sitting up and hitting him with a pillow.
Blah blah blah 5 minutes of a pillow fight passed and we were so tired we fell asleep with pillows all around us and me laying on his chest with his arms wrapped around me.



I hear the ringing stop as a smashing sound is heard and i open my eyes only to find Leon punched my alarm clock,  i stretched on him and yawned saying,  LEEEOOONNNNN NNNNOOOOO MY ALARM CLLOOOCCCKKKK, and him wiping his eyes and smirking before pulling me down under the covers and trapping me before going back to sleep.
Wha- uh no! Cmon big guy its time to get up for school!!! I say trying to escape but failing miserably.
Nope,  was all he said and went back to sleep.

After 20 minutes pass i get a crazy crazy idea and i reach one hand out to  a bottled water across the room,  despite my crazy thinking,  the cap twists off and water floats up towards me as i imagine it and i smirk.

*5 minutes later*
-i am seen running down the stairs and into the kitchen away from a angry Leon for getting him all soaked.

Ahhhhhh!!!,  i scream running and hiding behind mom. She looks confused but when she sees a soaked Leon she smiles and laughs a little,  Leon stalks towards us but mom puts out her hand and whispers something that makes Leon freeze and smoke starts coming from his hair,  i watch in awe as her magic drys him off and i jump on Leon when he is dry saying i love him and i was sowwyyyy.

*because i wanna imma skip to driving to school*
I made Leon go with me in my baby(car) and as i was driving he turned on my favorite song which made me love him so much in that moment as i was singing and driving to school with his hand on my thigh which was comfy.

*update next in 2 hours or less*

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