Where have you been?

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The next week passed by in a blur. People stopped focusing on the fact that I was the new girl and I slowly blended into my new friend group. Leah hadn't been back to school since our encounter... And I couldn't help but wonder where she could be. I kept replaying the moment our eyes met and the way her gorgeous eyes captivated my attention. It was weird admitting these feeling out loud but honestly no one in this school was worthwhile besides her and I barely knew her! Was I going crazy?

I got to my biology class early and I sat at my table trying to finish up my trig homework that seemed to be piling up lately. I was almost finished when I felt a presence slid into the chair next to me. I looked up expecting to finally see Leah but instead Jake's smile was on the other end. "Hey Bella, how have you been?" Jake asked.

"Adjusting, most of the work here I completed last semester in Arizona but I'm finding ways to keep myself busy." I took a long pause, and decided to blurt on the question that'd been weighing me down. "Jake, you're friends with Leah right?"

The expression that crossed his face was one of both intrigue and confusion. "Yeah...let's just say our families go way back, why what's up?" He questioned.

I thought of a quick lie, blush threatening to explode across my face. I hadn't thought this far into the conversation, I was just itching to know where she was.

"Well Mr.Molina assigned a science project last Friday with our lab partners and since she hasn't showed up in a week, I was just wondering if she was coming back?". I looked up at Jake who I was pretty sure could smell my bullshit excuse from a mile away.

He took a long pause before answering. "She's with family, she'll be back when she's ready." He said sternly, I could see the concern in his eyes. There was something he wasn't telling me but I didn't want to push any further, it obviously wasn't my place. However, I couldn't help but wonder what she needed to be ready for.

"Oh...cool. I'll just come up with some ideas for our project and run them by her whenever she comes back." I quickly changed the subject and we continued talking about a bunch of random things until the bell rang.

Another week passed, still no Leah.


I had completely given up expecting her to show when I walked into biology class and was taken by surprise. Sitting at our lab table, looking oh so ravishing was Leah. Her hair was shorter, a cute bob that complimented her bone structure. Her eyes were bright with a hint of eyeliner and mascara. I quickly looked down when I realized I was basically gawking at her. I readjusted myself, pulling at my shirt to make myself look busy. I sat down, dumbfounded at what I should say. A thousand questions running through my mind. Instead I stayed quiet, waiting for her to make the first move. She was the one who cursed at me and vanished without a trace anyway. I felt her body turn toward me, and risked a glance up at her and was met by those beautiful brown eyes once again.

"I just wanted to apologize for how rude I was two weeks ago. I've been going through a lot lately but you didn't deserve me being a complete ass." Her voice was raspy, which made her 10 times hotter if I'm being honest. She seemed genuinely sorry and I couldn't help but smile.

"Don't be sorry," I said confidently extending my hand towards her. I shook her delicate fingers and finally introduced myself. "I'm Isabella, but you can call me Bella, we didn't get to properly meet last time."

Her hand lingered in mine, neither of us bothering to pull away. It wasn't until Mr. Molina cleared his throat that I snapped out of this little trance I was stuck in. My cheeks blushed a bright pink and I turned towards my notebook suddenly interested in taking notes. She chuckled under her breath just as embarrassed as me.

When the bell rang, Leah's voice interrupted my thoughts. "Jake was telling me about a science project due next week, sorry for being a shitty partner." I was just about to tell her not to worry about it when she slipped a piece of paper into my hand. "This is my number, maybe we could meet up this weekend and get started on it."

"Uhm, yeah, okay, sounds great," I managed to mumble. How could I already be this tongue tied around her?! She was only giving me her number for this science project, I was looking way to into it.

"See you around, Bella." She winked and just like that she was gone. I stood there with a real smiled plastered to my face for the first time in ages. This girl would be the death of me.

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