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"Do you have any water?" Terra can't help from asking as soon as they make it back to the beach, Finnick moving to rinse himself of in the water, and she has to turn her face away from the waves that were gently lapping against him.

There are a few motions among them and Peeta is the one that gets up and does something to a tree across from her, tapping away at something, and the soft noise of trickling water makes a phantom pain of being thrown around burst across her skin. She blinks it away and reaches forward to greedily drink as deeply as she can before Katniss is there gently prying her away with the warning of making herself sick.

Nodding, Terra smies thankfully at the younger girl and catches a look at the thing stuck in the tree. "I have one of those thing," she says in utter disbelief, taking off her bag and tossing it in the middle of the small circle that had formed around her.

"I have some tape, an empty canister and some kind of medicine in their too," she tells them, and Katniss digs through the bag, pulling out the metal pipe and the canister as Johanna reaches for the tube of medicine.

"This what they send you for your leg?" Her friend asks and Terra nods.

"What actually happened to your leg, Land Pearl?" Finnick teases as he returns, dropping down as close to her as he could, but she could see the concern in his gaze.

"What happened to Lux?" Katniss questions over him, eyes burning a hole through her face, and Terra gets the distinct feeling from when she had first met the girl, a girl playing at pretend and struggling to navigate something that was far more overwhelming than she was able to handle.

Truly, Terra felt very much the same, though she liked to believe she was a little bit more put together than Katniss was.

"He, um, didn't make it," she muttered, leaning her head to rest against Finnick's shoulder and closed her eyes tightly. "It was after the projection so you wouldn't have known."

"Was it the Careers?" Peeta asks her.

"It was this. . . thing that reached up out of the ground, and just sorta pulled him under," Terra tells him, squeezing her eyes shut tightly at the memory of him that flashes in her mind. "The ground just sort of wobbled under our feet like it was filled with water and they had these tentacle things. I've been calling them sand crawlers."

"Was that the first scream?" Finnick stage whispers.

"It was more of a shriek than anything else."

"If you don't mind me asking, Terra, where exactly was this?" Beetee asks her, and as she looks over to him, she could tell by his signature thoughtful expression and the concerned ones of the others that she was missing out on something important.

"On the other side of the Cornucopia, why?"

"It's a clock, T, the arena. Each section has it's own hour and something different," Finnick tells her. "That giant tree with the lightning strike is 12."

Terra looks over, spotting the tree easily and her eyes immediately fall to the sectors she was personally acquainted with. "Uh, you saw where the tsunami came from? Well, the sand crawlers were next to that but theres a space between the wave and the lightning tree."

Beetee nods. "Do you know what came before?"

"Me and Lux spent the full first day camped out in the sand crawler section until around nightfall when we decided to track down the Careers. He was sucked into the ground and I ended up in the wave zone," Terra explains, sighing heavily despite the way her ribs burned at the action and placed a hand on Finnick's thigh in search of comfort.

Sell my Soul⇸Finnick Odair [1]Where stories live. Discover now