Chapter 1 - Leaving

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Bella P.O.V

second blured into minutes, minutes blured into hours, hours in to days. My best friend has left, my brother emmet has left.... my mother esme has left, my father carlisle left, even the one person that was to love me for the rest of eternity prefered another over me. He left me..... but so did my family
They left me.

the one person who looked out for me is now gone. The one person who constantly helped me with my depression is gone, now when my mate, mates with another I will have to deal with it on my own. Edward has been my rock for so long ..... now he is gone. I don't know what I'd do without him. Sure we can call but it isn't the same as seeing him in person. Even then we wont be able to call because of his family's super hearing and all. He isn't here with me. When I feel the pain or the suicidal depression I don't have edward to help me through it. Hell edward has his own mate problems.


bella\3rd person P.O.V

when Edward told me he was leaving, him and his family, he had taken me out to dinner.

when i had gotten back my room had been searched. to anybody else but me it would just look like the breeze blew some objects out of place. When I took a closer look my photos of the cullens and myself were missing. I rushed over to my computer and went to my contacts in my email, all there contacts were gone. I'm glad I had my phone with me now. In all honesty i would go insane without being able to talk to edward.

I sat on the bed crying my heart out. there was a hole in my chest where my heart should be, when my mate left he took it with him, he doesnt even care\know that he has done it. The whole in my chest felt inpossiblely large, it seemed impossible to fill.

,"ting... ting "

my phone distracted me from my soul crushing depression.

ED: bell doll...
BELLA: E, it hurts.....
ED: oh, darling i know, it will get better. i promise
BELLA: i don't see how
ED: i promise it will get better. you will be stronger for it.
BELLA: why did you and him have to leave? why did he want to leave me? doesn't he want me?
ED: he is blind. he is native. he is being manipulated. trust me bella he didn't want to leave you. he had no choice about it. you are all that he thinks about. TUST ME.

Tear streaming down my face. I turn off my phone and put into my draw. beside my bed.

end of flashback

Bella P.O.V
Its been two years. I have been a shell of who I was for two years. I need a fresh start, I need a clean break. I had spent the better part of the night not being able to sleep.

I had given upon sleep in favour of buying new outfits and discarding the old rags I called clothes. by the time I had gotten home it was 4:30 A.M. Charlie would think it's late, I snort. so I proceed to hang my cloths up in my wardrobe. after 2 years of waiting I can finally move on, I can finally becom the bella I was always ment to be. New .... friends, New... attitude,

It was like somthing in my body was set free. It was like my choice became more than just  decision. I could feel something unimagineable... the heat. In a matter of minutes my body shortened,my legs became more powerful, my bones popping, cracking and re-orenting themselves. I could tell that I wasnt on two feet not four.

when my bones found ther new setting, I coud feel the hair beginning to lengthen, the tail sprout from my ass and my ears extend. I feel sleeker & more powerful. I  look down at my feet to see paws, covered in black fur. deciding I neeeded more information i walk over to the upstanding mirror in the corner.

I had to try hard to control myself, my mind and my emotions. when I was finally standing infrount of the mirror I saw a sleek, sentual and fearce. I looked into  the mirror but saw a black panther looking back at  me.

I stood there for a good while, It was hours, staring at myself in that mirror. slowly, I feel heat receeding.  Myself becoming taller, hair receeding into my skin ears shortening, legs lenghing. It passed by rather quickly it was a mere seconds while my body changed.

when I had transformed back, I had changed. my lips were bigger.... fuller, I had grown about another  foot so I was now 5'5. I was slimmer,but not sickly thin. I am toaned and hair is longer and thicker.

I had CHANGED  into a CAT?!

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